Thursday, September 17, 2020

From "As Purchased to "Edible Portion": Papaya

Purchasing nutrient analysis software and learning how to use the program is only useful if you have the knowledge to convert “as purchased” ingredients to the “edible portion.” Recipes are usually written based on what the consumer needs to purchase. The individual analyzing the recipe must evaluate the recipe based on the actual food-ready-to-eat (unless the food is meant to be eaten whole.) This book describes how to read a recipe and enter the correct ingredients and amounts, in order to provide an accurate nutrient analysis.

Nutrient Analysis Services 
Ensure accurate nutrient analysis for your recipes utilizing an extensive research database and over 25 years experience. A valuable service for the Recipe Blogger, Media, Cookbook Publishers, Writers, Chefs, and Recipe Websites. Your readers will benefit from the Nutrient information and a Registered Dietitian. Contact:; Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN, LN, FAND at

Quiz: Do you have the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze a recipe? 

Below are a series of questions to determine your knowledge of foods and recipes in order to perform a nutrient analysis. The answers can be found at the following link.

1. How much does one cup of cheerios weigh in ounces and grams?

2. How many apples should you purchase to yield 2.75 cups, peeled, cored, and chopped?

3. The recipe states to purchase one pound potatoes. Directions: Bake potatoes and peel. How many ounces will you analyze?

4. How many ounces of lobster would you analyze, if provided with a 1-1/2 pound lobster in a shell?

5. Recipe states to purchase one pound chicken breast with bone and skin. Directions: Broil, remove skin. How many ounces of cooked chicken would you analyze?
6. How many cups of cooked kidney beans would one pound dried kidney beans yield?

7. Recipe states to purchase one pound lean ground beef and broil. Drain fat. How many ounces of cooked ground beef would you analyze?

8. Recipe states to marinade chicken in refrigerator overnight. Prior to cooking, the marinade is drained and discarded. What percentage of the marinade should be included in the analysis?

Follow the link for the answers - Answers to Quiz

September is Hunger Action Month

To learn more how you can help, visit

The following is a summary of the information found on the Feeding America Website. 

September is Hunger Action Month™, when Feeding America and member food banks ask everyone in America to take action to fight hunger in their community, all month long. Hunger Action Month is your opportunity to join a movement that has a real and lasting impact on our effort to feed more Americans than ever before. Whether it’s by advocating and raising awareness, making donations, or volunteering, you can find the way that’s right for you to make a difference during Hunger Action Month. Together, we can solve hunger.

Feeding America is a nationwide network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries and meal programs that provide food and services to people each year. Together, we are the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief organization. Our network serves virtually every community in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.

The process of getting food to hungry Americans requires a dynamic infrastructure and sophisticated management. Feeding America secures donations from national food and grocery manufacturers, retailers, shippers, packers and growers and from government agencies and other organizations. Feeding America then moves donated food and grocery product to member food banks.

The food banks, in turn, distribute food and grocery items through food pantries and meal programs that serve families, children, seniors, and others at risk of hunger. Last year alone, the Feeding America network distributed more than 3 billion meals to people in need.

Feeding America nationwide network of food banks also supports programs that improve food security among the people we serve; educates the public about the problem of hunger; and advocates for legislation that protects people from going hungry. Individuals, charities, businesses, and government all have a role in ending hunger.

Hunger can affect anyone. Feeding America has identified groups at risk, including young children, hunger in the suburbs, rural hunger, senior hunger, and the working poor.

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Special on Childhood Hunger

Kate is a fictional character who represents the very situation in which many children find themselves when their parents lose their jobs. Find out how you can help this Hunger Action Month

Childhood hunger hinders a young person's ability to learn. They are more likely to suffer from poverty as an adult. Scientific evidence suggests that hungry children are less likely to become productive citizens. Insufficient nutrition puts children at risk for illness and weakens their immune system. The immature immune systems of young children, ages 0 – 5, make them especially vulnerable to nutritional deprivation and as a result, the ability to learn, grow, and fight infections are adversely affected.

Please find out how you can help during Hunger Action Month

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Interaction between Older Adults and Children Benefit Both

The Healthy Aging Partnership offers these suggestions for grandparents and others who want to play a bigger role in young lives:

  • Be yourself. Youngsters will benefit from and enjoy having someone who listens and gives them their undivided attention. All too often parents don't have enough time to spend with their children and that's where you can help. Be a mentor and a friend.
  • Arts and crafts, such as making a scrapbook, create great memories and allow you and a child to learn something new together.
  • Youngsters love to help in the kitchen. The hands-on cooking exercise can be as simple as baking a box cake, with a little measuring and mixing.
  • Gardening is another kid favorite. Dig in the dirt. Plant. Water. Sow fast-sprouting bean, pumpkin or sunflower seeds that grow with every visit.
  • Go to the library. Computers and video games may be a new thing, but you can never go wrong with a great story. Teach them about something you love. If you're excited about it, they will be too.
  • If you don't have grandchildren of your own, volunteer to share an interest or skill with a local youth organization. The American Red Cross, Intergenerational Innovations and Big Brothers, Big Sisters, just to name a few, can help connect older adults with young people in their community.

Edible Flowers by Guest Blogger: Brittaney Bialas, MS, RD

Spring is a warm, bright, and sunny time of year when you may schedule time for outdoor picnics at local parks and beaches. While you are at it, you might as well pencil in some time to brighten up your herb or vegetable garden with some tasty flowers – edible flowers, that is! 

You may have seen floral garnishes adorning fancy meals or flashy desserts; but you may not know that you can eat many of these flowers fresh from the plant after rinsing. Edible flowers can be cooked like a vegetable, sprinkled on top of a favorite dish, used to make soups and sauces, or stuffed and sautéed as a main part of a recipe. They can be made into vinegar, syrups, butters, and jellies, or used in custards, sorbets, and other desserts. They can also be frozen into ice cubes to add extra excitement to an otherwise boring beverage on a hot day. Now is the time of year when many edible flowers are in peak bloom. They may even be in your garden already - just waiting to be added to your next dish!

Some of the edible flowers that may be in your backyard or vases include pansies, violas, chrysanthemums, carnations, fuchsias, geraniums, jasmine, lavender, violets, and certain roses. Flavors range from sweet and honey-like to spicy and peppery, while scents can add a floral aroma or a citrusy tang. Nasturtiums are a popular edible flower that adds a spicy, peppery kick. The purple flowers of banana trees and blossoms of citrus trees (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, kumquat) are edible fruit flowers that may be in your back yard. Many herb flowers, including alliums (garlic, chives, leeks), cilantro/coriander, chicory, dill, mint, sage, and thyme are also safe to eat. Most of the flavors of herbal flowers resemble those of the herbs they come from. These can be added to a dish along with or in place of the herb itself. Several vegetable flowers probably already make a regular appearance in your diet, such as cauliflower (who would have thought?), broccoli, and artichoke, which are all flower blossoms. In addition, the flowers of arugula, okra, radishes, peas, and squash are edible. Squash blossoms appear quite often in the produce stands and taste a bit like the raw gourd from which it came.

Best of all, many edible flowers have vitamin C, vitamin A, and other beneficial essential nutrients. Edible flowers can replace sodium and sugar when used in conjunction with herbs and spices, adding more flavor and aroma to foods. However, keep in mind that edible flowers have a delicate taste that is detected best when added to simple dishes that do not have overpowering flavors.

Many flowers can be safely tossed onto our plates; but there are flowers that are poisonous and should never be eaten. Always make sure a flower is edible before adding it to your food. Some resources that list some edible flowers are at Colorado State Extension  and North Carolina State University. In general, edible flowers are best when they are picked during the morning when they have the most moisture. They can be rinsed and placed in a moist paper towel in the refrigerator for storage. Use within a short period to maintain quality.

There are also some safety rules to follow regarding where you find your edible flowers. Do not pick flowers from the side of the road where fumes from vehicles and other contaminants can make the plants unsafe to eat. Do not purchase edible flowers from nurseries or garden centers unless they are grown specifically for consumption. Do consume edible flowers that you have grown from seeds as long as you do not use pesticides or other chemicals. Do introduce small amounts of new flowers one at a time since pollen from the plants may trigger allergies. Do research which parts should and should not be used since each type of edible flower is different.

Flowers are nice to have. Their colors brighten a room, they give off a pleasing aroma, and they bring joy to people who take the time to notice them.

However, one of the most exciting reasons for dietitians to love flowers is that they may be food! Spring is the perfect time to try something new and let an edible flower be a part of your dining room table – and not just as an accent piece in a vase! 

Pansy Herb Salad 
4 cups mixed greens 
1/4 cup fresh sprigs of dill 
1/4 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves 
4 large basil leaves, rolled up and thinly sliced crosswise 
1 large lemon, halved 
Pinch of salt 
Fresh ground black pepper to taste 
1 /2 cup toasted walnuts 
3/4 cup crumbled feta 
1 cup fresh pansy flowers 

Toss salad greens and herbs in a large bowl. Squeeze lemon juice (without the seeds) over the greens and season with salt and pepper. Toss again. Add walnuts and feta and toss well. Divide salad and pansies among four serving plates and serve.

Nutrition Fact Per Serving (Serves 4)
Calories: 179; Fat: 16g; Carbohydrate: 5g. Adapted from Pansy Herb Salad

Saturday, August 8, 2020

International Assistance Dog Week

International Assistance Dog Week was established due to the efforts of Marcie Davis, a paraplegic for over 35 years and CEO of Davis Innovations, a consulting firm based in Santa Fe, NM.

International Assistance Dog Week

      Diabetes alert dog smells blood sugar changes

America's VetDogs CFC

Description of the Various Types of Assistance Dogs

Guide Dogs. Assist people with vision loss, leading these individuals around physical obstacles and to destinations such as seating, crossing streets, entering or exiting doorways, elevators and stairways.

Service Dogs. Assist people with disabilities with walking, balance, dressing, transferring from place to place, retrieving and carrying items, opening doors and drawers, pushing buttons, pulling wheelchairs and aiding with household chores, such as putting in and removing clothes from the washer and dryer.

Hearing Alert Dogs. Alert people with a hearing loss to the presence of specific sounds such as doorbells, telephones, crying babies, sirens, another person, buzzing timers or sensors, knocks at the door or smoke, fire and clock alarms.

Seizure Alert/Seizure Response Dogs. Alert or respond to medical conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, epilepsy, panic attack, anxiety attack, post-traumatic stress and seizures.

Medical Alert/Medical Response Dogs. Alert to oncoming medical conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, epilepsy, panic attack, anxiety attack, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Assistance dogs are allowed to accompany their human partners to places of business including restaurants and shops. Under state law and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), they are guaranteed equal access to any and all establishments and accommodations; no extra charge can be levied because of the dog.

International Assistance Dog Week (www.assistancedogweek)
Working Like Dogs (
Assistance Dogs International (
International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (

Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 26, Americans with Disabilities Act Signed

National Disability Independence Day

President George Bush signs the Americans with Disabilities Act during a ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House on July 26, 1990.

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims July 26, 2017, as a Day in Celebration of the 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

For Americans with disabilities,
Trump’s policies are dangerous

Across the country, people with disabilities are continuing to lead the fight for inclusivity and recognition, with the support of their families, advocates, and human services professionals. What will happen under a Trump administration? The fight is going to get a lot harder.

Trump’s mocking of disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski in 2016 has been widely recognized, but his actual policies for people with disabilities are just terrible. His plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), even without a replacement, is dangerous for the many people with disabilities who now worry about losing their health insurance. His promise to cut Medicaid is also disastrous for the more than 10 million people with disabilities who rely on it in order to receive services, like community-based care which promotes independent living opportunities and integrated work and community environments. And his record of haphazardly enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as the removal of the White House website’s pages on access and inclusion shortly after he came to office, indicate very clearly that people with disabilities are simply not a priority for a Trump administration.

Donald Trump Accused of Mocking Reporter with Disability

I don't understand how our President can make fun of a disabled person and numerous ethnic groups. 

Health Care

As our country decides on a new health care program, those of us with disabled and elderly family members - wait in fear. Though Trump promised he would not touch Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security,

United States Department of Labor, Americans with Disabilities Act, Home Page
Wikipedia, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Huffpost, 3 Trump Properties Hit With New Disabilities Violations Complaints
Including his brand-new, “very special” hotel in Washington, D.C.
Daily Beast, 
Donald Trump’s War on People With Disabilities

Friday, July 24, 2020

July 24, National Drive-Thru Day
The Pros and Cons of
"Drive-Thru Restaurants”

Nutrition Entertainment

Taco Bell Drive-Thru Song
As a Registered Dietitian, I was curious about how many calories, fat, and sodium was in their order. Per person, if everything was consumed, the total intake would be:

Calories: 3,549; Fat: 179 g; Sodium: 7782 mg

The calorie intake is excessive (by about 1000-2000 calories); Fat about 3 times the normal range; and sodium is off the chart (recommendation - less than 1500 to 2300 mg/day). However, the song is funny and I look forward to hearing more from Rhett and Link.

Drive-Thru Rap: Healthy Version
Rhett and Link are concerned about people's health and created the
Healthy Version of the Drive-Thru Rap.

Rhett and Link are a North Carolina-based comedy duo consisting of life-long best friends, Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal. They are best known for their Internet videos. In addition to their web presence, Rhett and Link are also musicians and filmmakers and have worked in network television as hosts. They own and operate a video production company, Rhett and Link, Inc. To learn more about the talented duo visit

Monday, July 6, 2020

Friday, June 26, 2020

June 25, National Strawberry Parfait Day

June 25 is designated as National Strawberry Parfait Day. Parfaits are associated with high calories, but with portion planning, you can turn a parfait into a healthy snack.

Strawberry Parfait with Granola

1/4 cup Light Strawberry Ice Cream
1 Tablespoon Granola
1/4 cup Strawberries, chopped
1/2 cup Strawberries

Nutrition Information

Strawberry Parfait with
Frozen Strawberry Yogurt and Granola

1/3 cup Light Frozen Strawberry Yogurt
2 Tablespoon Granola
1/4 cup Strawberries, chopped
1/2 cup Strawberries
1.5 teaspoons Strawberry Preserves

Nutrition Information. 165 Calories; 3 g Protein; 34 g Carbohydrates; 2 g Dietary Fiber; 3 g Fat (g); 7 mg Cholesterol; 49 mg Vitamin C; 120 mcg Folate; 48 mg Sodium

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

National Egg Roll Day

Egg rolls are a variety of deep-fried appetizers served in American Chinese restaurants. An egg roll is a cylindrical, savory roll with shredded cabbage, chopped pork, and other fillings inside a thickly-wrapped wheat flour skin, which is fried in hot oil. The dish is served warm, and is usually eaten with the fingers, dipped in duck sauce, soy sauce, plum sauce, or hot mustard, often from a cellophane packet. 

Egg rolls are a ubiquitous feature of American Chinese cuisine and are often served as free additions to American Chinese combination platters throughout the United States, along with fried rice and fortune cookies.

National Egg Roll Day - Baked Egg Rolls
Low in fat and crispy; Taste of Home 

Egg roll, Wikipedia 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

June News, Events and Resources in Nutrition, Food, and Health

Current News, Resources, and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety, and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers, and Health Professionals. Wellness News is updated daily and includes weekly and daily events. To view the entire Newsletter online click here.

June Wellness News

June Highlights

     International Men's Month
 Men's Health Month
  Father's Day

     June Dairy Month

     Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf Hurricane Season  (6/1-11/30)

   National Aphasia Awareness Month 
Migraine Awareness Month
Home Safety Month
Caribbean-American Heritage Month
Effective Communications Month
Audiobook Appreciation Month
Sports America Kids Month
Potty Training Awareness Month
Great Outdoors Month
June is Perennial Gardening Month
National Aquarium and Zoo Month
National Camping Month
National Rivers Month

Wellness News employs young adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy). Please make a donation with the proceeds going to special need adults. Contact Dr. Sandra Frank for additional information (
Prepared by 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 20th- Today’s Events in Food, Nutrition, and Humanity

National Quiche Lorraine Day – Recipe: Mexican Vegetarian Quiche, #EatingWell

National Rescue Dog Day – Animal Rescue Team, #HumaneSociety  Every year they rescue thousands of animals from puppy mills, animal fighting’s, natural disasters, and other animals suffering from life-threatening cruelty and neglect #foreverhomes

National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day - 5 Simple, Fun Ideas for Family Fitness, #WebMD  Family activities and fitness at an early age can help children form healthy habits for life and create fun memories for families.

Pick Strawberries Day
Strawberries are easy to grow indoors or outside. It's a fun family activity to plant, grow, harvest and eat. Virtually fat-free, no cholesterol & an excellent source of folic acid; good source of potassium. Eat them out-of-hand, on the run. Just wash and bite — anytime.

Food History: 1810 On this day Dolly Madison, wife of President James Madison, supposedly served the first ice cream at the White House

Friday, May 8, 2020

Screen-Free Week - Check-out the Alternative Activities

Screen-Free Week (formerly TV-Turnoff, founded 1994) is an annual event in which parents, children, teachers and others across the country turn off screen media (TV, video games, computers, cell phones, etc.) and celebrate the magic of being unplugged. Screen-Free Week is a program of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.

Screen-Free Week

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under 2 and less than 2 hours per day for older children. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents create an electronic-media-free environment in children’s bedrooms.

The Benefits of Reduced Screen Time

• Reducing screen time can help prevent childhood obesity.

• Children who spend less time watching television in the early years tend to do better in schoolhave a healthier diet, and are more physically active.

Hazards of Too Much Screen Time

•Adolescents with a television in their bedroom spend more time watching TV and report less physical activity, less healthy dietary habits, worse school performance, and fewer family meals.

• Children with a television in their bedroom are more likely to be overweight.

Alternative Activities During Screen-Free Week
  • Prepare a family meal together
  • Take a walk in the park or neighborhood
  • Start a family fitness program
  • Plant a vegetable garden or grow a fruit tree
  • Plan a picnic or barbecue
  • Take a nature hike around your neighborhood
  • Organize a scavenger hunt
  • Learn yoga
  • Dance
  • Volunteer 

1. American Heart Association, Limit Screen Time and Get Your Kids (and the WholeFamily) Moving 
2. Screen-Free Week: 50+ Fun Screen-Free Activities for Kids

Dietitian Blog List