Showing posts with label strawberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strawberries. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Heart Healthy Red Foods

 A Symphony of Scarlet Delight

Food Sources
Apples, Beets, Cayenne, Cherries, Cranberries, Kidney Beans, Red Grapefruit, Pomegranates, Radicchio, Radishes, Raspberries, Red Bell Peppers, Red Cabbages, Red Chili Peppers, Red Corn, Red Currants, Red Grapes, Red Onions, Blood Red Oranges, Red Pears, Red Peppers, Red Plums, Red Potatoes, Red Tomatoes, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Watermelons

Do you know other foods that are Red?

About Red Fruits and Vegetables.

Red fruits and vegetables get their color from natural plant pigments called lycopene or anthocyanins. Both are phytonutrients, which have health-promoting benefits, such as:

  • Reduces the risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Protects our bodies’ cells from environmental damage (harmful free radicals)
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol
  • Aids in memory
  • Maintains the health of the urinary tract system

Lycopene is a carotenoid and antioxidant. Examples of food sources include tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and papaya.  

Anthocyanins, an antioxidant found in cranberries, raspberries, red grapes, strawberries, and other red-to-purplish fruits and vegetables, may help protect cells from damage.

In addition, red fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals and are rich in fiber. Fiber helps maintain the digestive system.

Kidney Bean, Red Onion and Tomato Salad
New York Times, by Nigella Lawson 

Ways to increase Red Food Intake:
Add strawberries or raspberries to cereal or low-fat yogurt.
Freeze seedless red grapes for a sweet snack.
Add thin slices of red tomatoes or red apples to a sandwich.
Add red kidney beans to soup, salads or rice dishes.
Dice tomatoes and red apples and add to a salad.

Phytonutrients (or phytochemicals) are found in plants and are part of what gives fruits and vegetables their colors. They help protect plants from diseases found in the environment and protect us in a similar way. Studies have linked an increase in fruit and vegetable intake with lowering the risk of specific cancers and heart disease. The following list describes how phytonutrients may also help protect human health.
1. Act as an antioxidant.
2. Improves immune response.
3. Improves cell-to-cell communication.
4. Destroys cancer cells.
5. Repairs DNA damage caused by toxins in the environment.

Antioxidants. As the body uses oxygen, there are by-products (known as “free radicals”) that can cause damage to cells. Antioxidants can prevent or slow down the damage caused by these free radicals and decrease the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants may also improve the immune defense and lower the risk of infection. Some examples of antioxidants include vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, lycopene, and flavonoids.

Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, Flag Day History and Snacks

Flag Day is celebrated every June 14 in remembrance of the adoption of the flag of the United States in 1777. The flag is a national symbol of patriotism and freedom. In 1775, the “Grand Union” flag, also known as the Continental Colors, was flown in the colonies.

Flag Recipes

Dessert Pizza with
Brie, Blueberries, and Strawberries

Yield: 3 servings
Serving Size: 1/3 crust

1 Pizza Crust, (7-inches)
1.5 oz Brie6 Strawberries
1/3 cup Blueberries

Nutrition Information

Blueberries, Watermelon, and Part-Skim Mozzarella

Friday, May 21, 2021

National Strawberries and Cream Day

May 21 is designated as National Strawberry and Cream Day. By portion planning, you can turn a desert into a healthy snack.

 Strawberries and Cream with Granola

1/4 cup Light Strawberry Ice Cream
1 Tablespoon Granola
1/4 cup Strawberries, chopped
1/2 cup Strawberries

Strawberry Parfait with
Frozen Strawberry Yogurt and Granola

1/3 cup Light Frozen Strawberry Yogurt
2 Tablespoon Granola
1/4 cup Strawberries, chopped
1/2 cup Strawberries
1.5 teaspoons Strawberry Preserves

Nutrition Information. 165 Calories; 3 g Protein; 34 g Carbohydrates; 2 g Dietary Fiber; 3 g Fat (g); 7 mg Cholesterol; 49 mg Vitamin C; 120 mcg Folate; 48 mg Sodium

Friday, February 12, 2021

February is Fabulous Florida Strawberry Month

To highlight this beautiful and delicious fruit, the Florida Strawberry Growers Association has created a series of educational resources, starring Jammer, the Strawberry.

Jammer the Strawberry and Nutrition

Jammer's Strawberry Fashion Show

Florida Strawberry Food Handling Tips
from Strawberry Sue

In 1982, the Florida Strawberry Growers Association (FSGA) was officially formed. This organization became a voice for Florida strawberry growers. The mission for the handful of farmers was to become "partners in research, promotion and member/community service”.

FSGA is a non-profit organization located in the city of Dover, which is a part of Hillsborough County, Florida. It is the parent company of the Florida Strawberry Patent Service and the Florida Strawberry Research and Education Foundation.

Over the years, the growers have formed a voluntary organization representing over 8,000 acres of berries. Hillsborough County, Florida produces about 15 percent of the nation’s strawberries and virtually all the berries are grown during the winter. The 18 million flats produced each year, if placed end to end, would extend from Plant City, Florida to Seattle, Washington, and back again.

Hillsborough County, Florida is recognized as the "Winter Strawberry Capital of the World and the home of some of the sweetest, reddest and juiciest strawberries around."

Sue Harrell, known affectionately as Strawberry Sue, is FSGA’s director of marketing, and seasoned strawberry grower.  Sue will keep you informed and inspired. You’ll find helpful strawberry-related links, year-round news from the fields, special events, and easy to prepare strawberry recipes.

Strawberry Sue demonstrates
how to make an 
Edible Strawberry Bouquet
(not just for Valentine's Day)

Visit the FSGA website for additional information, including research, educational resources, recipes, events, and contact information.

Healthy Strawberry Recipes and Tips. EatingWell has a selection of fresh and delicious strawberry recipes, such as

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 20th- Today’s Events in Food, Nutrition, and Humanity

National Quiche Lorraine Day – Recipe: Mexican Vegetarian Quiche, #EatingWell

National Rescue Dog Day – Animal Rescue Team, #HumaneSociety  Every year they rescue thousands of animals from puppy mills, animal fighting’s, natural disasters, and other animals suffering from life-threatening cruelty and neglect #foreverhomes

National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day - 5 Simple, Fun Ideas for Family Fitness, #WebMD  Family activities and fitness at an early age can help children form healthy habits for life and create fun memories for families.

Pick Strawberries Day
Strawberries are easy to grow indoors or outside. It's a fun family activity to plant, grow, harvest and eat. Virtually fat-free, no cholesterol & an excellent source of folic acid; good source of potassium. Eat them out-of-hand, on the run. Just wash and bite — anytime.

Food History: 1810 On this day Dolly Madison, wife of President James Madison, supposedly served the first ice cream at the White House

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