Friday, July 23, 2021

Gorgeous Grandma Day

July 23rd is “officially” Gorgeous Grandma Day!  For those of you not familiar with “Gorgeous Grandma” here is what she is:

“Gorgeous Grandma” are women over fifty, sixty, or seventy plus who:

  • 1. Believes she has her whole life ahead of her, not her whole life behind her.
    2. Wants to get the most out of every day of her life
    3. Wants to thrive, not just survive
  • 4. Cares for her mind and her body
  • 5. Remains adaptable to life’s bittersweet as well as sweet
  • 6. Cherishes herself as much as she cherishes her loved ones
  • 7. Refuses to remain static – who is always open to learning, to new ideas, to new challenges, and to new experiences.
  • 8. Loves life – and lets everyone know it!
  • 9. And for those single gorgeous grandmas – recovers after loss and learns to love again.

Golden Grannies

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

National Lollipop Day

National Lollipop Day

Lollipops are what we call "Empty Calories." A food labeled as empty calories provides little to no nutrients, except calories. The calories in the "Dum Dum Pop" comes from sugar and corn syrup.

Food Network - Dum Dum Pops Unwrapped

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