Friday, May 19, 2017

Food Revolution Day

Food Revolution Day is fighting to put compulsory practical food education on the school curriculum.

With diet-related diseases rising at an alarming rate, it has never been more important to educate children about food, where it comes from and how it affects their bodies.

It’s about celebrating the importance of cooking good food from scratch and raising awareness of how it impacts our health and happiness – we believe that everyone should know about food and it starts with getting kids food smart, making cooking fun and inspiring a love of food that will last a lifetime. Food Revolution Day is a campaign by the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation in the UK and USA, and The Good Foundation in Australia. 

Jamie Olive's Big Bet on Food Education

Who is taking part?
Food Revolution Day is open to anybody, whether you’re a school, organisation or individual.

Many activities are organised by supporters in their local area or voluntary Food Revolution ambassadors who champion food knowledge and cooking skills in their communities.

Why have a day of action?
Learning about food and how to cook from scratch is one of the most valuable skills a child can ever learn.

This knowledge used to be passed down from generation to generation, but now, with an over reliance on unhealthy convenience foods, millions of people lack the confidence and even the most basic skills to cook for themselves and their families. By educating children about food in a fun and engaging way, we’re equipping them and future generations with the skills they need to live healthier lives.

National Bike to Work Day and National Bicycle Month

May, National Bicycle Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists.

MissionTo promote bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation and work through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America.

History. The League was founded as the League of American Wheelmen in 1880. Bicyclists, known then as "wheelmen", were challenged by rutted roads of gravel and dirt and faced antagonism from horsemen, wagon drivers, and pedestrians.

In an effort to improve riding conditions, more than 100,000 cyclists from across the United States joined the League to advocate for paved roads. The success of the League in its first advocacy efforts ultimately led to our national highway system.

Benefits of Bike Riding
People ride bicycles for all sorts of reasons, from better health, to saving money on fuel, and helping the environment. In addition, bike riding is a lot of fun.

Bike Safety - Introduction to Bike Safety 
and Sharing the Road

Danger Rangers Bike Safety PSA

Food Art: Bicycle Built for Two
The song "Bicycle Built for Two" was written in 1892.
The American bicycle history spans over 100 years.

The League provides education for cyclists, including bicycle safety.To learn more about the League of American Bicyclists, visit their website at 

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