(You still need to watch how many cookies you eat.)
sharing how he feels about cookies.
Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie
Other Food Events This Week:
12/1 to 12/7. Cookie Cutter Week
There are a few varieties of purple basil, but all are cultivars of the same basil plant, which is a true annual. Purple basil grows from seed and dies again all in one season, and does not return year after year. They may, however, self-seed if the flowers are left on until the seeds grow to maturity and fall from the plant. A healthy patch of self-seeding basil may return year after year almost as though it were the same plant.
Grow this basil along with tomato plants, as it encourages growth and repels pests of the tomato. Grow it in containers on the deck or near outdoor seating areas to help keep mosquitoes and stinging insects at bay.
Store leaves, fresh or dried, for use during the time your plants no longer grow. Freeze them whole or preserve in layers of sea salt. You may also chop basil and combine with other herbs and oil to freeze in ice cube trays and save in freezer bags once frozen. This attractive purple color stands out in many dishes.
Donate to a Food Bank
A Guide to Practical and/or Healthy Food Staples to your Local Food Bank.
Breakfast Foods to Donate
Whole Grain Cereal
Rolled Oats
Pancake Mix
Baby Cereal
Lunch and Dinner Foods to Donate
Tuna Fish
Canned Chicken
Peanut Butter
No-Nut Butter
Whole grain pasta
Brown Rice
Canned Beans
Dry Beans
Canned Vegetables (low sodium/no salt)
Canned Fruit (light syrup/in own juices)
Pasta Sauce
Dry Goods – Sugar, Flour, Salt, Baking Powder, Baking
Soda, Spices
Baby Food
Snack Foods to Donate
Dry Fruit
Granola Bars
Whole Grain Crackers
Trail Mix
Fresh Foods (Not All Food Banks Offer)
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Frozen Vegetables
Just a note: You can ‘clean out your cabinets’ and donate, and some food banks can use the food after it is expired, but think of the Golden Rule. Would you want someone to give YOU their expired food? It’s better than wasting it, but be gracious and loving.
The history of olive trees is deeply rooted in ancient civilizations, tracing back thousands of years. Originating in the Mediterranean region, mainly present-day Greece and Syria, the olive tree symbolized peace, wisdom, and prosperity.