Friday, April 9, 2010

Featured Registered Dietitian, Tanya Zuckerbrot, M.S., R.D.

Tanya Zuckerbrot, M.S., R.D.
is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with a Mission. When I chose to feature Tanya, I had no idea how many business enterprises she was involved in. Tanya is passionate about her work and provides daily support on nutrition and health to thousands of people on the Internet and in her private practice based out of New York City and another in Roslyn Heights, New York.

Tanya is the author of the popular weight control book, called the F-Factor Diet. The book outlines a delicious and sustainable diet that highlights fiber as the key to permanent weight loss.

Tanya regularly appears on The Today Show and Extra; and guest expert appearances on The Rachael Ray Show, MSNBC, Good Morning America Health, CBS's The Early Show, CBS Evening News, Fox News and The Food Network. She also has a weekly blog called, “Tanya’s Tasty Tips,” found on

Skinny in the City is a daily online newsletter and website prepared by Zuckerbrot and a team of registered dietitians. They combine diet and nutrition information with the latest beauty and fashion news.

The latest addition to the Zuckerbrot brand, is The Skinny on Dietitians. It is a user-friendly website and search engine that helps people across the country find a qualified Registered Dietitian (RD) to meet their unique needs, budget and location. The site includes only dietitians accredited by The American Dietetic Association. The Skinny on Dietitians enables RD's to create a personalized profile that includes information about their training, contact information, website, areas of practice and specializations. For those RD's who do not have their own online presence, the Skinny on Dietitians can fill that void. The site offers one free and two low-cost ($10 and $20 per month) membership levels so that dietitians can choose the package that works best for them.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Registered Dietitians Online, 2010

This year I would like to extend a special thank you to the RDs I've met on-line. The Internet has brought the world closer together and open avenues for learning, teaching and sharing.

Dietitians-Online was created to acknowledge the contributions of Registered Dietitians on the Internet and their global impact. We have come a long way.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April is Fresh Florida Tomato Month

April is Fresh Florida Tomato Month and today April 6th we celebrate Fresh Tomato Day.
Low in Calories and rich in Vitamin C. Tomatoes are fun and easy to grow, indoors or outdoors.

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