Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nutrition Experts - Making a Difference
Highlights from the 76th FDA Annual Symposium

The presentation for the 2011 Florida Dietetic Association Member reception highlights Nutrition Experts - "Making a Difference."

The background song is called "Together We Can Change the World (TWCCTW)." TWCCTW played a major role in bringing over an African Youth Choir called SIFA. The goal was to raise money for the children to take back to Uganda in order to finish building their orphanage and to build new homes for them to live in. See the footnote for the complete story behind the song.1

Highlights from the
76th Florida Dietetic Association
2011 Annual Symposium

Let's Move with the
Florida Dietetic Association

After attending 3 days of amazing educational programs and poster sessions, viewing exhibits and tasting new products, we celebrated Nutrition Experts -- Making a Difference at the Member's Reception. Seeing old friends, meeting new colleagues and celebrating - Let's Move with the Florida Dietetic Association.


2011 FDA Educational Session
Dreams to Reality: Build a Booming Private Practice & Corporate
Wellness Business
Faye Berger Mitchell, RD, LD
Denice Ferko-Adams, MPH, RD, LDN

Preventing Medical Errors.
Catherine Christie, PhD, RD, LD/N, FADA
Susan Mitchell, PhD, RD, LD/N, FADA

Opening Session - Lifestyle Medicine. Edward “Eddie” Phillips, MD

The New Dietary Guidelines:
Putting Policy into Practice.

Amy Mobley, PhD, RD

Diagnosis and Management of
Food Allergies: New Guidelines.

J. Andrew Bird, MD

The Antioxidant Paradox.
Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD , FACN, FASN

Ethnic and Racial Influences
on Birth Outcomes.

Michael Lu, MD, MPH

Read It Before You Eat It.
Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RD, CDN

Nutrition and Wound Healing.
Joseph Molnar, MD, PhD

7 Tips to Successfully Brand
Your Business.

Susan Mitchell, PhD, RD, LD/N, FADA

Opportunities Abound for
Nutrition Experts with
Kids Eat Right!

Katie Brown, EdD, RD, LD

Feeding the Critically Ill Patient
Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, CNSD, LD

Portion Size Me.
James Painter, PhD, RD

Health Benefits of Wine.
Mary Flynn, PhD, RD, LDN

Biomedical & Health Informatics:
Making a Difference
With Information

William “Bill” Hersh, MD

The Gluten-Free Boom...
What’s the Buzz All About?

Peter HR Green, MD
Shelley Case, RD

Probiotics Through Life Stages.
Jo Ann Hattner, MPH, RD

Sign Me Up! Getting Credentialed
to Bill for Nutrition Services.

Milton Stokes, MPH, RD, CDN

Making Sense of Science.
Cindy Heroux, RD, LD/N
Tara Gidus, MS, RD, LD/N, CSSD

Drug - Supplement Interactions
and Nutrient Depletions.

Alan Agins, PhD

Hormones in Midlife:
A Matter of Balance

Cindy Geyer, MD
Nutrition-Focused Physical Assessment
Cindy Hamilton, MS, RD, CNSD

Biochemistry of Protein as a
Nutritional Element of Chronic Disease.

Joyce Ann Gilbert, PhD, RD, LD

Way Cool Tools: Social Media
and Web 2.0.

James Spellos, CMP

Family Mealtime: On and
Beyond the Table.

Georgia Kostas, MPH, RD, LD

Customizing the Interstitial
Cystitis Diet.

Julie Beyer, MA, RD

Become A Training Expert...
Make a Difference One Training
 Session at a Time.

Maureen Leugers, MBA, RD, CD

Understanding Molecular,
Physiological and Clinical Aspects
of Iron Metabolism; How It
Can Make A Difference

Mitchell Knutson, PhD

Magnesium and the
Metabolic Syndrome.

Stella Volpe, PhD, RD, LD/N, FACSM

Advances in Bariatric Surgery
for the morbid obese.

Samuel Szomstein, MD, FACS

Spreading Your Nutrition Message
Cooking Demos that Dazzle
Michelle Dudash, RD

Diabetes Research at Work Today;
Future Directions in Research.

Della Matheson, RN, CDE
Jennifer Marks, MD, FACP, FACE

Strong Bodies, Smart Minds:
Making a Difference in Schools
to Prevent Childhood Obesity,
Promote Healthy Weights, and
Support Academic Success.

Dayle Hayes, MS, RD

How to Eat Mindfully in a
Mindless Eating World.

Susan Albers, Psy.D

Meeting the Needs of Today
and Tomorrow through
Improved Agricultural Practices.

Daniel Goldstein, MD
William “Bill” Harris, PhD

Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating
Systems and Symbols.

Alice Lichtenstein, D.Sc

Micronutrients and the Triage Theory:
How Deficiency is Linked to
Diseases of Aging

Joyce McCann, PhD

The Great Vitamin D Debate.
Glenville Jones, PhD
Reinhold Vieth, PhD

Teaching Nutrition: Best Practices
and Innovation in the Classroom

Joan Thompson, PhD
Jennifer Turley, PhD
To obtain additional information about the Florida Dietetic Association,

To learn more about the Dietetic and Nutrition Profession, visit the
American Dietetic Association website.
The presentation was prepared by Sandra Frank, Ed.D., RD, LDN
For information on customized presentations, contact

1 Background
Together We Can Change the World

Music: Together We Can Change the World
Song by: Rilee O'Neill and the African Youth Choir called SIFA
Website: Together We Can Change the World

Together We Can Change the World, Inc (TWCCTW) played a major role in bringing over an African Youth Choir called SIFA. All of the children are AIDS orphans. The goal was to raise money for the children to take back to Uganda in order to finish building their orphanage and to build new homes for them to live in.

This song speaks right to the heart of TWCCTW message to people everywhere. TWCCTW hopes "you choose to use this song as your own song of a personal commitment to make a difference in the world."

TWCCTW continues to raise and donate funds to build orphanages and help abused children around the world. To learn more or make a donation, visit Together We Can Change the World

Friday, July 22, 2011

Blogs and Videos by Dietitians: Week of July 21, 2011

Eat Right to Hydrate During Heat
Eating the right foods to stay hydrated in the
summer heat with registered dietitian Angela Lemond

Tips to help women curb cravings (WFTX-FOX Naples, FL)
Registered Dietitian Cheryl Forberg talks about healthy diet, supplement
and exercise tips to curb craving and have a well-balanced approach to wellness.

Relaxation Drinks
KETK spoke with Trinity Mother Frances Clinical Dietitian Tami Lawrence, RD-LD
and relaxation drink lovers about the possible negative effects.

Welcome to Sydney for ICD 2012 from
Princess Alexandra Hospital

The dietitians at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Queensland, Australia, welcome you to Sydney for the International Congress of Dietetics in September 2012. The Dietitians Association of Australia is hosting the 16th ICD - and look forward to seeing you there!

For more information visit or follow at

Healthy snacks for kids
Gina Bucciferro, a clinical dietitian at Loyola University Medical Center,
provides tips on what snacks to give kids and how to build healthy habits with them.

Got Milk?
Registered Dietitian Sara Robbins joins Kristen (at to talk about
the new campaign: "Refuel With Chocolate Milk Tour." Sara talks about
the benefits of drinking Chocolate Milk and why it is a
great post-exercise recovery drink and offers ideas
for healthy snacks for balance in your diet.

Healthy Families BC: Sodium and Hypertension
Registered Dietitian Melodie Yong speaks to a cardiovascular surgeon
at St. Paul's Hospital on the connection between
sodium and hypertension.

Summer Smoothies
Life Time Fitness Registered Dietitian Lauren Floyd
shows you how to make a variety of great-tasting smoothies.

Brown Rice Tabbouleh - HealthyBites
Weis Markets Registered Dietitian Karen Buch shows you how to create
Middle Eastern-inspired side dish with this recipe for Brown Rice Tabbouleh.
Featured Recipe:

Cool Summer Treats  
Korey Kealey of AMorning Show and dietitian Sue Mah
talk about treats that will cool you down this summer but still pack some nutrients.

Let's Move with the Florida Dietetic Association
The 76th Annual Florida Dietetic Association Celebration Dinner, July 19, 2011
After attending 3 days of amazing educational programs and poster sessions,
viewing exhibits and tasting new products, we celebrated
Nutrition Experts - Making a Difference at the Member's Reception.
Seeing old friends, meeting new colleagues and celebrating -
"Let's Move" with FDA

Dietitian Blog List