Showing posts with label Academy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Academy. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Growing Together: Connecting Generations Through Gardening & Healthy Eating
National Senior Citizen Day

National Senior Citizens Day 

On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan issued Proclamation 5847 creating National Senior Citizens Day to be August 21.

On this day, we are encouraged to recognize and show appreciation for the value and contribution of older people to home, family and society. It is an opportunity for us to show our gratitude for what seniors have achieved in their lives and their contributions to our communities.

Things to do with Older Adults
- Spend time together.
- Show our appreciation.
- Volunteer to help.
- Enjoy a walk together.
- Go out for dinner.

If you are a senior citizen, enjoy your day. Make sure to take advantage of senior citizen discounts and specials.

The goal is to help keep older Americans healthy and fit. 

Growing Together: Connecting Generations Through Gardening & Healthy Eating

Shopping and nutrition tips
for senior citizens

from Elisa Zeid, MS, RD

Resources and References
to Help Eating Well as We Age

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

National Senior Health and Fitness Day - "Living the Best Life: Ageless and Awesome!"

"Living the Best Life: Ageless and Awesome!"

Celebrate the annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day. The goal is to help keep older Americans healthy and fit. National Senior Health and Fitness Day is the nation's largest annual health promotion event for older adults. 

Benefits of Getting Older

Global Aging

Shopping and nutrition tips
for senior citizens

from Elisa Zeid, MS, RD


Friday, April 12, 2024

Make Lunch Count Day for Our Children's Health and School Performance

Lunch plays a serious role in children's health and school performance. Studies have shown children skipping lunch are likely to have trouble concentrating in the classroom, lack energy for sports, and overeat low-nutrient snacks. Whether children eat lunch at home, enjoy lunch, or pack a lunch box, these ideas apply to all.
The goal of lunch is to provide a nutrient-rich meal to fuel our children’s brains and bodies for the afternoon. Look to create a lunch with a nutritional punch and appeal. Try the following ideas to create lunches your child will not waste.

Let Your Children Help Plan
When kids help plan their lunches, they are more likely to eat them. If your child's school has a lunch program, review the menus together and pick the ones they would enjoy. When kids eat school lunch, they are more likely to consume milk, meats, grains, and vegetables, which gives them a higher nutrient intake over the course of a day. School lunch is a great cost and nutritional value.
If your child prefers a lunch packed at home, create a method that works for both of you. Make a checklist of what your child likes in each food category. Agree on some protein, a grain, at least one fruit, and veggie, a dairy product (if not buying milk at school), and an optional small sweet or snack item.
Make a plan for the next week. Take about an hour of free time (and grab a child or partner to help) and bag items for each day, except sandwiches. The sandwiches should not be prepared ahead of time.

Variety is the Basis of Well-Balanced Nutrition
Don't worry if a child wants the same lunch for two weeks in a row. The child will probably change to something else before long. Workaround pickiness by creating a list of substitutes. For example, if sandwiches are in the "don't like" column, what else might work? 
  • Deli turkey + cheddar slices in roll-ups, pretzels, apple wedges
  • Tortillas + cream cheese spiced with taco seasoning + rotisserie chicken rolled up and cut into pinwheels, cherry tomatoes
  • Little salads with protein (cheese, nuts, beans)
  • English muffin + marinara sauce + shredded mozzarella for homemade pizza bites, grapes

Make the Food Attractive
We eat with our eyes first. We are attracted to foods by the packaging so you can compete with the best. Use a reusable lunch bag or box with a favorite color or cartoon hero. Make foods as bright and colorful as a rainbow. Have fun with shapes and sizes — use cookie cutters on sandwiches or make mini-muffins. Endless possibilities. 
1. Kids Eat Right, Banishing Brown Bag Boredom
2. Peanut Blossom, 30 Days of Lunchbox Recipes

Saturday, February 29, 2020

March Wellness News
Celebrate National Nutrition Month
Topics for Journalists, Writers,
Educators and Bloggers

Current News, Resources, and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety, and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. Wellness News is updated daily. To view the entire Newsletter online click here. 

Food Events

March Highlights

National Nutrition Month®
American Red Cross Month
Brain Injury Awareness Month
 Deaf History Month (3/13 to 4/15)
International Ideas Month
International Listening Awareness Month
National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Endometriosis Awareness Month
National Eye Donor Month
National Hemophilia Month
National Kidney Month
National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness
National Social Work Month
Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Save Your Vision Month
National Ethics Awareness Month

National Craft Month
National March Into Literacy Month
National Women's History Month
Optimism Month

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

Wellness News employs young adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy). Many of the photographs are available for purchase with the proceeds going to special needs young adults. Contact Dr. Sandra Frank for additional information (

Prepared by
Wellness News (
Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RD, LDN, FAND
Jake Frank

Michelle Canazaro

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sneak Preview: March is National Nutrition Month
“Savor the Flavor of Eating Right”

March is National Nutrition Month® (NNM), a nutrition education and information campaign created annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy). The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The March 2016 theme for National Nutrition Month® is “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right.” This year marks the 43rd anniversary of National Nutrition Month®.Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, also celebrated in March, increases awareness of registered dietitian nutritionists as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services and recognizes RDNs for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives. This year, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day will take place March 9.

The theme for 2016 is "Savor the Flavor of Eating Right," which encourages everyone to take time to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the pleasures, great flavors and social experiences food can add to our lives. How, when, why and where we eat are just as important as what we eat. Develop a mindful eating pattern that includes nutritious and flavorful foods — that's the best way to savor the flavor of eating right!

Visit the Academy’s website to view a library of recipes designed to help you "Savor the Flavor of Eating Right.

As part of this public education campaign, the Academy’s National Nutrition Month website includes a variety of helpful tips, games, promotional tools and nutrition education resources, all designed to spread the message of good nutrition based on the "
Savor the Flavor of Eating Right" theme.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy at

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sneak Preview
March is National Nutrition Month
Get Your Plate in Shape

March is National Nutrition Month® (NNM), a nutrition education and information campaign created annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy). The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The March 2012 theme for National Nutrition Month® is "Get Your Plate in Shape."

The theme explores the health benefits associated with eating foods from all the food groups and staying active. During the month of March, we will explore the food groups and their benefits. 

Our Host this year is Mary MyPlate.
She puts it all together.

Her support cast includes ..... 

and Some Surprise Friends

Wellness News employs young adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy). Many of the photographs are available for purchase with the proceeds going to special need young adults. Contact Dr. Sandra Frank for additional information (

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