Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

World Farm Animal Day and Vegetarian Awareness Month

World Farm Animal Day, founded in 1983, is dedicated to exposing and memorializing the needless suffering and death of cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and other innocent, sentient animals raised and slaughtered for food. World Farm Animals Day will continue until animals are no longer seen as commodities and are raised for their flesh and by-products.

Animal Rescues That Will Make You Happy
that PETA Exists

Vegetarian Resources

1. The Vegetarian Resource Group
2. Peta
3. Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group (VN DPG), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
4. The Vegan Society
5. Ginny Messina, RDN - Vegan Dietitian: Recipes to Try - Pinterest 
6. MyPlate, Healthy Eating for Vegetarians
USDA Food Patterns: Healthy Vegetarian Eating Pattern - Dietary Guideline for Americans 2020-2025 

Note from Author.  Education materials are designed to be "Family Friendly;" therefore, I chose not to portray the slaughter of animals.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

National Farm Animals Day

National Farm Animals Day was created as a day to raise awareness about the plight of slaughtered animals and to find a home for abandoned and abused farm animals.

Animal Rescues That Will Make You Happy
that PETA Exists

Vegetarian Resources

1. The Vegetarian Resource Group
2. Peta
3. Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (VN DPG), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
4. The Vegan Society
5. Ginny Messina, RDN - Vegan Dietitian: Recipes to Try - Pinterest 
6. MyPlate, Healthy Eating for Vegetarians

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 20, Great American Meatout Day

About Meatout
Meatout is an international event exposing the public to the benefits of plant-based foods while promoting the availability and selection of alternatives to meat and dairy in mainstream grocery stores, restaurants, and catering operations. Meatout was launched in 1985 and is coordinated yearly by FARM, a national nonprofit and public interest organization. FARM advocates plant-based (vegan) diets to save animals, protect the environment, and improve health.

Meatout TV Ad

Meatout has grown to become the world's “largest annual grassroots diet education campaign”. Participants are asked to "kick the meat habit on March 20 (first day of spring) and explore a wholesome, diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Meatout Facts:
•Over 30 million Americans have explored a meat-free diet.
•One in five teens thinks vegetarianism is "cool."
•National beef and veal consumption have dropped by 25 and 70%, respectively.
•Major manufacturers and retailers are marketing meat-free and dairy-free meals.
•Several national fast-food chains are offering veggie burgers and several major baseball parks are selling veggie dogs.

Meatout Mondays
Meatout Mondays were developed to keep the spirit of Meatout alive throughout the year. Those who sign up for Meatout Mondays pledge to eat compassionate plant-based foods every Monday. 

Paul McCartney sings the "Meat Free Monday Song."
Not one of his best, but a great message.

The Benefits of Meatout
"Kicking the meat habit" holds lasting benefits for consumer health, world hunger, resource conservation, environmental quality, and animal protection.

Kicking the meat habit reduces our risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other chronic diseases that cripple and kill nearly 1.4 million Americans annually.

Kicking the meat habit raises our energy level, lowers our food budget, and simplifies food preparation and cleanup.

Kicking the meat habit preserves our topsoil, water, and other food production resources vital to the survival of our children and their children.

Kicking the meat habit protects our forests, grasslands, and other wildlife habitats.

Kicking the meat habit saves animals from caging, crowding, deprivation, drugging, mutilation, manhandling, and agonizing slaughter. Each person who adopts a plant-based diet saves over 80 innocent animals each year. Over a lifetime, an individual can save more than 6,000 animals just by going vegan.

1. To learn more, visit the Meatout website.
2. The Vegan R.D.
3. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
4. The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog 

Saturday, September 30, 2023

October Food, Nutrition, and Health Events

Current News, Resources and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety, and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. Wellness News is updated daily and includes weekly and daily events. To view the entire Newsletter online click here

October Monthly Events

October Health, Nutrition, and Food Events
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month

  Dyslexia Awareness Month 
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Learning Disability Awareness Month
Long Term Care Planning Month
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

National Chiropractic Month
National Dental Hygiene Month 
National Depression Education and Awareness Month

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
National Liver Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Crime Prevention Month 
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
National Orthodontic Health Month
National Physical Therapy Month  
National Protect Your Hearing Month
National Reading Group Month 
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
World Menopause Month

Food Events


Tackling Hunger Month 
Halloween Safety Month
National Farm to School Month

Vegetarian Month
American Cheese Month 
National Apple Month


National Bake and Decorate Month
Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month 
Cookbook Month 
National Caramel Month 
National Chili Month 
National Cookie Month
National Country Ham Month
National Dessert Month
National Pasta Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
National Pizza Month 
National Popcorn Poppin' Month 
National Pork Month 
National Pretzel Month
National Seafood Month
National Spinach-Lovers Month
Co-op Awareness Month 
National Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Fair Trade Month
Gourmet Adventures Month
National Go on a Field Trip Month 
National Health Care Food Service Month
National Kitchen and Bath Month 
National Restaurant Hospitality Month
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month 
National Animal Safety Protection Month

Friday, July 12, 2013

Cow Appreciation Day

July 12, 2013 Cow Appreciation Day
Origin. For one day only, black and white spots, cow bells and furry ears will be appropriate attire at Chick-fil-A restaurants all across the nation. In celebration of Cow Appreciation Day (an unofficial yet nationally recognized holiday), Chick-fil-A will award a FREE Meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to any customer who comes to one of their 1,600+ restaurants fully dressed as a cow.

Other Option for Cow Appreciation Day. Try a vegetarian meal today.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 2011 Wellness News

Current News, Resources and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. Wellness News is up-dated daily and includes weekly and daily events. To view the entire Newsletter online click here or subscribe to Wellness News by adding your email address to the link on the left.
October Monthly Events
Weekly and Daily Events can be found in the Wellness Newsletter.

 Food Day, October 24, 2011

 National Disability Employment Awareness Month


 Tackling Hunger Month
 Halloween Safety Month

Food Events
 Vegetarian Month  
 National Apple Month 
 National Bake and Decorate Month
 Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
 Cookbook Month
 National Caramel Month 
 National Chili Month
 National Cookie Month
 National Country Ham Month
 National Dessert Month
 National Pasta Month
 National Pickled Peppers Month
 National Pizza Month
 National Popcorn Poppin' Month
 National Pork Month 
 National Pretzel Month
 National Rice Month
 Sausage Month
 National Seafood Month
 National Spinach-Lovers Month
 Co op Awareness Month
 National Eat Better, Eat Together Month
 Celiac Disease Awareness Month
 Christmas Seal Campaign (10/1-12/31)
 Dyslexia Awareness Month 
 Emotional Wellness Month
 Global Diversity Awareness Month

 Health Literacy Month
 Learning Disability Awareness Month
 Long Term Care Planning Month 
 National Chiropractic Month
 National Dental Hygiene Month
 National Depression Education & Awareness Month
 National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
 National Liver Awareness Month
 Domestic Violence Awareness Month
 National Crime Prevention Month  
 National Cyber Security Awareness Month

 Financial Planning Month
 National Medical Librarian Month 
 National Organize Your Medical Information Month
 National Orthodontic Health Month
 National Physical Therapy Month

National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
 National Work and Family Month
   Positive Attitude Month
 Talk About Prescriptions Month
 Workplace Politics Awareness Month
 World Blindness Awareness Month
 World Menopause Month

National Kitchen and Bath Month 
National Photographer Appreciation Month
National Restaurant Hospitality Month

National Animal Safety Protection Month  

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2010 Wellness News

Wellness News is your resource for current Health, Nutrition and Food topics and events. Subjects encourage awareness and inspire ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. 

October Monthly Events
Weekly and Daily Events can be found in the Wellness Newsletter.

 October Highlights
National Breast Cancer Awareness

Disability Employment Awareness

World Blindness Awareness
Children's Magazine Month
Christmas Seal Campaign
Dyslexia Awareness
Energy Management is a Family Affair
Global Diversity Awareness
Head Start Awareness
Chiropractic Month
Depression Education & Awareness
Domestic Violence Awareness
National Down Syndrome

National Liver Awareness
National Medical Librarians
National Orthodontic Health
National Physical Therapy
National Spina Bifida Awareness
Positive Attitude
Domestic Violence Awareness
National Crime Prevention
National Cyber Security

Halloween Safety
National Apple Month
Caffeine Addition Recovery Month
Celiac Disease Awareness
Co-op Awareness

Eat Better, Eat Together

Go Hog Wild Eat Country Ham
Health Literacy Month
Long Term Care Planning Month
National Animal Safety and Protection Month
National Bake and Decorate Month
National Caramel Month
National Chili Month
National Cookbook Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month
National Pork Month
National Pretzel Month

National Seafood Month
Sausage Month
Spinach Lovers Month

Tackling Hunger Month
Vegetarian Month
Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
National Go On A Field Trip Month
Nutrition, Health & Wellness Field Trips
National Work and Family Month

Monday, September 13, 2010

Students' Willingness to Purchase Vegan Menu Items in the National School Lunch Program

by Jill Eckart, BA, Kathryn A. Strong, MS, RD, Darlene K. Moppert, MS, RD, Neal D. Barnard, MD

From the Florida Public Health Review, 2010; 7, 64-69.
The significance of the study in determining if offering plant-based options as part of a comprehensive school wellness policy may encourage healthful eating patterns, and can complement the benefits of nutrition education and physical activity. Whereas more research is needed to assess the long-term effects of offering plant-based options in schools, providing these items appears to be feasible and beneficial in the short term.

Offering plant-based options in school lunches may help schools meet U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrient standards by providing students with options that are low in fat and cholesterol-free. Research indicates that well planned vegetarian and vegan diets are appropriate for all ages and have certain health benefits; however, it is not clear whether students are willing to incorporate vegetarian foods into their diets. We assessed students’ willingness to purchase vegan menu items in school lunches and evaluate the nutrient profiles of vegan and nonvegan menu items offered. Vegan items were offered once per week for four weeks in elementary and middle school cafeterias located in a demographically diverse school district. Researchers tracked menu items sold, nutrients of menu items offered, and ease of vegan item preparation. Vegan options accounted for more than half of the average number of meals sold at each school on study days. Vegan menu items were lower in total fat, saturated fat, and energy and provided more dietary fiber compared with the competing foods. Food service managers indicated that vegan menu items were easy to prepare. Students are willing to purchase vegan options offered in the school lunch line. Offering vegan school lunches on a regular basis may help food service directors meet nutrient standards and improve child nutrition.

To view the full study click the following link: Vegan Menu Items in the National School Lunch Program.

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