Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 20, Great American Meatout Day

About Meatout
Meatout is an international event exposing the public to the benefits of plant-based foods while promoting the availability and selection of alternatives to meat and dairy in mainstream grocery stores, restaurants, and catering operations. Meatout was launched in 1985 and is coordinated yearly by FARM, a national nonprofit and public interest organization. FARM advocates plant-based (vegan) diets to save animals, protect the environment, and improve health.

Meatout TV Ad

Meatout has grown to become the world's “largest annual grassroots diet education campaign”. Participants are asked to "kick the meat habit on March 20 (first day of spring) and explore a wholesome, diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Meatout Facts:
•Over 30 million Americans have explored a meat-free diet.
•One in five teens thinks vegetarianism is "cool."
•National beef and veal consumption have dropped by 25 and 70%, respectively.
•Major manufacturers and retailers are marketing meat-free and dairy-free meals.
•Several national fast-food chains are offering veggie burgers and several major baseball parks are selling veggie dogs.

Meatout Mondays
Meatout Mondays were developed to keep the spirit of Meatout alive throughout the year. Those who sign up for Meatout Mondays pledge to eat compassionate plant-based foods every Monday. 

Paul McCartney sings the "Meat Free Monday Song."
Not one of his best, but a great message.

The Benefits of Meatout
"Kicking the meat habit" holds lasting benefits for consumer health, world hunger, resource conservation, environmental quality, and animal protection.

Kicking the meat habit reduces our risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other chronic diseases that cripple and kill nearly 1.4 million Americans annually.

Kicking the meat habit raises our energy level, lowers our food budget, and simplifies food preparation and cleanup.

Kicking the meat habit preserves our topsoil, water, and other food production resources vital to the survival of our children and their children.

Kicking the meat habit protects our forests, grasslands, and other wildlife habitats.

Kicking the meat habit saves animals from caging, crowding, deprivation, drugging, mutilation, manhandling, and agonizing slaughter. Each person who adopts a plant-based diet saves over 80 innocent animals each year. Over a lifetime, an individual can save more than 6,000 animals just by going vegan.

1. To learn more, visit the Meatout website.
2. The Vegan R.D.
3. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
4. The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog 

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