Popcorn, also known as popping corn, is a type of corn that expands from the kernel and puffs up when heated. Popcorn is able to pop because its kernels have a hard, moisture-sealed hull and a dense, starchy interior. Pressure builds inside the kernel, and a small explosion (or "pop") is the end result. Some strains of corn are now cultivated specifically as popping corn. From Wikipedia
Caramel corn or caramel popcorn is a confection made of popcorn coated with a sugar or molasses based caramel candy shell. Typically a sugar solution or syrup is made and heated until it browns and becomes thick, producing a caramelized candy syrup.
Horchata Overnight Oats
A big batch of overnight oats made with chopped almonds and mild rice milk
that tastes just like horchata. An ideal and filling breakfast.
Breakfast Sausage
Homemade Breakfast Sausage Patties made with ground turkey (or ground meat
of your choice), spices, and herbs, like sage, thyme, and fennel, a high
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
This summer, we spent 24 hours in Kuala Lumpur after visiting Thailand, we
came here for fun and then took a flight to Scotland. This is a city we