Purchasing nutrient analysis software and learning how to use the program is only useful if you have the knowledge to convert “as purchased” ingredients to the “edible portion.” Recipes are usually written based on what the consumer needs to purchase. The individual analyzing the recipe must evaluate the recipe based on the actual food-ready-to-eat (unless the food is meant to be eaten whole.) This book describes how to read a recipe and enter the correct ingredients and amounts, in order to provide an accurate nutrient analysis.
Nutrient Analysis Services
Ensure accurate nutrient analysis for your recipes utilizing an extensive research database and over 25 years experience. A valuable service for the Recipe Blogger, Media, Cookbook Publishers, Writers, Chefs, and Recipe Websites. Your readers will benefit from the Nutrient information and a Registered Dietitian. Contact: Dietitians-Online.com; Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN, LN, FAND at recipenews@gmail.com
Quiz: Do you have the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze a recipe?
Below are a series of questions to determine your knowledge of foods and recipes in order to perform a nutrient analysis. The answers can be found at the following link.
1. How much does one cup of cheerios weigh in ounces and grams?
2. How many apples should you purchase to yield 2.75 cups, peeled, cored, and chopped?
3. The recipe states to purchase one pound potatoes. Directions: Bake potatoes and peel. How many ounces will you analyze?
4. How many ounces of lobster would you analyze, if provided with a 1-1/2 pound lobster in a shell?
5. Recipe states to purchase one pound chicken breast with bone and skin. Directions: Broil, remove skin. How many ounces of cooked chicken would you analyze?
6. How many cups of cooked kidney beans would one pound dried kidney beans yield?
7. Recipe states to purchase one pound lean ground beef and broil. Drain fat. How many ounces of cooked ground beef would you analyze?
8. Recipe states to marinade chicken in refrigerator overnight. Prior to cooking, the marinade is drained and discarded. What percentage of the marinade should be included in the analysis?