Sunday, November 12, 2023

National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week

This is National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. How You Can Help... 

I've heard about Chicken Soup for the Soul but have not read any books. I browsed the site and was fascinated and inspired by the stories. I came across one specific story devoted to Hunger and how a group sold pizza for $1.00 to raise money for the hungry.

New York City's Biggest Pizza Party
Helps Feed The Hungry

National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week 

No one should worry about whether they will have food on their plates or a roof over their heads. But the reality is that hunger and homelessness are widespread problems that affect far too many people. Many Americans live on the edge, forced to choose between basic necessities like purchasing food, paying rent, or going to the doctor.

Needed items and services might include:
  • Clothing. The lack of clean, well-fitting clothes and shoes causes great hardship beyond exposure to the elements—it hurts one's self-image and chance to get ahead. People experiencing homelessness must travel light, with few opportunities to safely store or adequately clean what they can't carry. In job interviews, a poorly dressed person has little chance for success. Give your clean clothes to those who could use them. Before you give your clothes or start a clothing drive, talk to your local shelter and find out what items they need. Most have limited storage space and can't use winter clothes in summer or vice versa. Some serve only a specific group of people. Please clean the clothes before you donate them.
  • In-kind services and materials. Service providers may use copying, printing, food, transportation, marketing assistance, computer equipment and assistance, electrical work, building materials, plumbing, etc.
  • Household goods or other items. Service providers may need kitchen utensils, furniture, books, toys, games, stuffed animals, dolls, diapers, etc.
  • Books. People experiencing homelessness may have limited access to a library and find that there is little for them to do when spending a night at a shelter. Find out if your local shelter would appreciate donations of books. Consider organizing a book drive to create a small library at the shelter if there is not one already.
  • Computers. Many non-profit organizations need help purchasing expensive but essential equipment such as computers. A local shelter or service provider might greatly appreciate the donation if you have a machine you no longer need. Shelter guests might also enjoy donating devices for their use, although you should check if a shelter would have space to set up public computers.
  • Homeless "survival kits." Create and distribute kits that include cups, pots, pans, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and cosmetics. (Try coordinating this through a group that gives out meals from a van, for example.)  During cold weather, organize drives for blankets, coats, hats, scarves, mittens, socks, etc.
  • Phone calls. Help people experiencing homelessness contact loved ones by offering the opportunity to make free long-distance calls on holidays. Donate to or organize a cell phone drive for the homeless.
  • Job opportunities. Encourage your company, school, or place of worship to hire people experiencing homelessness (if they are not already working). Most unemployed, homeless adults desperately want to work but need an employer to give them a chance.
  • Support for a homeless person or family. As people move out of a shelter or transitional housing program, consider raising money to contribute for a security deposit or assist by contributing household goods, babysitting, or moral support. See if your local shelter has a partnering program.

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