People who are shut-in may be lonely, have difficulty going to the market, cooking meals and/or eating. Your visit can make a big difference. Most recently with Hurricane Sandy and the unpredictable weather conditions; we became aware of a large number of disabled and elderly people trapped in their homes and apartments (some trapped over 16 stories high.)
How you can help.
If you are interested in helping, there are numerous programs available, such as:
Family mealtime is an ageless tradition shared by people all around the world. Eating dinner together keeps the doors of communication open. It's a perfect time to show your children they are your priority. Studies have shown children who eat dinner with their families are less likely to use alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs and more likely to develop good eating habits.
Family Dinner
Segment from World Report, April 2009
A recent family study conducted by Brigham Young University, quizzed more than 1500 IBM employees. The results show that families who spend time eating dinner together will encounter less conflict between family and work.
The BYU study appeared in issues of Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report and Slate magazine. Dr. Jacob expressed the hope for society to value dinner time, and not allow things to interrupt it.
In fact, a multi-national study cited by the marriage and family therapy program at the University of Minnesota and its director, reports family meal time has a more positive influence on emotional and intellectual development in children and teens than sports or additional time in school.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
A free, 7-day high protein diet meal plan including breakfast, lunch and
dinner ideas and a shopping list. All recipes include macros and Weight
Watchers p...
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
This summer, we spent 24 hours in Kuala Lumpur after visiting Thailand, we
came here for fun and then took a flight to Scotland. This is a city we