Showing posts with label
Dietitian; nutritionist; Mold; Food Safety; power outage.
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Showing posts with label
Dietitian; nutritionist; Mold; Food Safety; power outage.
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Be Prepared
Stock up on non-perishable foods that don't require refrigeration, and choose single-serve sizes if available to avoid the need for refrigeration of unused portions. Consider these easy, healthy, shelf-stable foods:
The American Dietetic Association and ConAgra Foods’ Home Food Safety program is dedicated to raising consumer awareness about the seriousness of foodborne illness and providing solutions for easily and safely handling food in their own kitchens. More information can be found at
Dietitian Blog List
11 Tempeh Recipes for Delicious Plant-Based Meals
Like a vegan take on kung pao, hummus bowls with merguez crumbles, and more
easy ways to use the soy-based protein.
23 hours ago
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
A free, 7-day high protein diet meal plan including breakfast, lunch and
dinner ideas and a shopping list. All recipes include macros and Weight
Watchers p...
2 days ago
5 Ideas for Eating Healthy While Traveling Abroad
When traveling abroad, you are bound to find eating a healthy diet
challenging. There will be interesting foods and local cuisines that you
will want to in...
1 week ago
Mumbai Sandwich
On a recent trip to India, I enjoyed a wonderful Mumbai/Bombay sandwich at
a friend's house. It was tasty and a fun change from your regular sandwich.
2 months ago
National Nutrition Week 2022: Theme, Date, History and why it is celebrated
from September 1 to September 7? - Jagran Josh
National Nutrition Week 2022: Theme, Date, History and why it is celebrated
from September 1 to September 7? Jagran Josh
2 years ago