Friday, May 17, 2024

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Food Allergy Awareness Week.  The 9 foods identified by the law are: Milk; Eggs; Fish; Crustacean shellfish; Tree nuts; Peanuts; Wheat; Soybeans; Sesame 

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) was founded in 1991 and is the world’s largest nonprofit organization that provides information about food allergies to the media, schools, health professionals, the food industry, pharmaceutical companies, government officials, and the food-allergic community.

FAAN’s mission is to raise public awareness, provide advocacy and education, and advance research for all those affected by food allergy and anaphylaxis.

Respect Every Bite

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In 1997, FAAN created Food Allergy Awareness Week to educate others about food allergies, a potentially life-threatening medical condition.

FAAN’s annual programs include Food Allergy Awareness Week, Food Allergy Conferences, Mariel C. Furlong Awards for Making a Difference, Food Allergy News for Kids Poster Contest, Teen Summit, Trick-or-Treat for Food Allergy, Walk for Food Allergy, Kids’ Congress on Capitol Hill.

For further information on FAAN, visit:
YouTube Channel: FAANPAL

Contact Information:
The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network
(800) 929-4040

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