Saturday, March 2, 2024

Time Magazine First Published on March 3, 1923
A look at Food and Nutrition through the
Pages of Time

TIME was first published on March 3, 1923, as a news magazine that summarized and organized the news. Here are some articles and cover stories from Time Magazine focusing on Food and Nutrition. 

Monday, Oct. 08, 1923, Medicine: Vitamin X.  Discovered by Dr. Herbert M. Evans and Dr. Katharine S. Bishop, of the University of California.* They call it "; Vitamin X." "Vitamins," now so popular, were unknown ten years ago. They cannot be seen or weighed. They came to light only when it was found diets are not providing proper nourishment, and in some cases, deficiencies would occur, such as scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra.

Monday, Mar. 31, 1924, Medicine: Vitamin D.  Dr. Walter H. Eddy, Professor of Physiological Chemistry in Teachers' College, Columbia University showed a group of his colleagues four test tubes containing 70 milligrams of a crystalline substance, Vitamine D. Their work may lay a basis for future synthetic foods to form a scientific diet, though the authentic vitamin scientists have nothing but condemnation for the various commercial tablets, cakes, etc., now on the market. The best diet can still be secured from natural foods.

Monday, Jun. 09, 1941, Medicine: The Nation's Food.  Nine hundred doctors, dietitians, chemists, and industrialists met in Washington last week to tackle an immense problem: the U.S. diet. As a whole, the U.S. today is better fed than any other nation, but at least 45,000,000 people in the U.S. are undernourished. Another 50,000,000 people drag along on four cylinders but cut a good five years off their work life by not eating the right foods. Of the 35,000,000 remainings, quite a few suffer from overeating.

Monday, Aug. 06, 1956, Medicine: Crazy About Reducing
U.S. experts on diets and reducing are in a tizzy. For years they had been preaching the gospel that the only way to reduce is to cut down the amount of fuel (expressed as the number of calories) stoked into the body.

Friday, Nov. 25, 1966, Food: Everyone's in the Kitchen.
Julia Child, 54, is the 6-ft.-2-in.-tall star of the Emmy-winning half-hour program, The French Chef. Her viewers on 104 educational TV stations across the U.S. watch her every move, forgive her every gaffe, and, in a word, adore her.

Dec 18, 1972, The Perils of Eating, American Style
Whether they are simply trying to get thin, or whether they are pursuing health or even salvation through diet, Americans are perhaps more preoccupied than any other nation with what to eat, what not to eat, how to eat, and even when.

Monday, Sep. 17, 1973, FOOD: The Burger That Conquered the Country
The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they nourish themselves. - The Physiology of Taste, Jean Brillat-Savarin (1826).  If so, America's destiny manifestly depends to no small degree on the hamburgers, French fries, and milkshakes served beneath the golden arches of McDonald's. Last year the chain of drive-ins and restaurants rang up sales of $1.03 billion, passing the U.S. Army (1972 food volume: $909 million) as the nation's biggest dispenser of meals.

Monday, Nov. 02, 1981, Diet and Exercise Dangers.  Regular exercise is good for heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and metabolism. Says Jim Barnard, research cardiologist at U.C.L.A.: "It's similar to tuning up your car's engine to make the car run more efficiently." The vigorous physical effort helps release tension too. But it can also do a lot of damage, especially if the athlete is a neophyte or weekend warrior, both of whom tend to try to do too much too soon.

Dieting poses a whole set of different hazards, especially the quickie weight-losing schemes that separate U.S. dieters from a few pounds each year. Among the current In diets are the Pritikin, the Atkins, and the Beverly Hills Diet. Nutrition experts insist that many fad diets are not really diets at all but bizarre and temporary ways of depriving the subject of adequate nutrition.

Mar 15, 1982, Salt: A New Villain?   KILLER SALT screams the book cover from a huge display of volumes with titles like Shake the Salt Habit!, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt and Halt! No Salt. These days they are selling in the hundreds of thousands.

Mar 26, 1984, Hold the Eggs and Butter.  Cholesterol is proved deadly, and our diet may never be the same This year began with the announcement by the Federal Government of the results of the broadest and most expensive research project in medical history. Its subject was cholesterol.

Dec 24, 1990, Health: Red Alert on Red Meat. The link between high-fat diets and colon cancer gets stronger.

Jul 15, 1991, The Fight over Food Labels. By launching a holy war against misleading claims, the government could clear up some of the confusion on supermarket shelves and help Americans become healthier consumers.

Apr 06, 1992, The New Scoop On Vitamins.  They may be much more important than doctors thought in warding off cancer, heart disease, and the ravages of aging, and, no, you may not be getting enough of these crucial nutrients in your diet.

The FDA is about to decide whether you can eat these chips. They are fried in a fake oil that can't make you fat. Dip, Anyone?

Nov 01, 1999, The Low-Carb Diet Craze. Fad diets come and go, but this one is exploding. Can you really lose weight by feasting on beef, eggs, and bacon? And should you?

Jan 21, 2002, 10 Foods That Pack A Wallop. Eat, drink, and be healthy! Scientists are rapidly identifying the natural chemicals that give a preventive punch to a rainbow of ordinary edibles.

Jul 15, 2002, Should We All Be Vegetarians? Would we be healthier? Would the planet? The risks and benefits of a meat-free life.

Jul 07, 2003, Cracking The Fat Riddle. Should you count calories or carbs? Is dietary fat your biggest enemy? The latest research may surprise you.

Oct 20, 2003, Health: How to Eat Smarter. In a world that is raining food, making healthy choices about what and how to eat is difficult. Here are some rules to live by.

Jun 07, 2004, America's Obesity Crisis: Activists: The Obesity Warriors  What will it take to end this epidemic? These experts are very glad you asked.

Jun 11, 2007, The Science of Appetite

Jul 18, 2011, The Future of Fish

Sep 12, 2011, What to eat now.

Dec 3, 2012, What to eat now. The anti-food-snob diet by Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Nov 11, 2013, Want to Stay Healthy? Don’t Rely on Vitamins

Nov 20, 2013, Eat Nuts, Live Longer

Nov 22, 2013, Dieters Subsist on Cotton Balls in Horrible New Weight-Loss Trend

Dec 05, 2013, Eating Healthy Is Cheaper Than You Think

Dec 10, 2013, Sugar Crush: Why Diet Soda Sales Have Crashed

Dec 16, 2013, The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of Global Meat Production

Jan 06, 2014, How the Mediterranean Diet Alone Can Fight Diabetes

Jan 07, 2014, Feds Crack Down On Deceiving Weight Loss Products

Jan 08, 2014, Is Olive Garden Healthier Than McDonald’s? Maybe Not

Jan 09, 2014, These 4 Shady Weight Loss Companies Were Forced to Issue Huge Refunds

Jan 16, 2014, Good News! We’re Eating Healthier (at Least at Home)

Jan 20, 2014 Chocolate, Tea, and Berries: How to Fight Diabetes With Food

Jan 24, 2014, FDA Revising Food Nutrition Labels

Jan 28, 2014, New Worry for College Students: Food Insecurity

Feb 06, 2014, What Happens When Your Body Loses Half Its Weight?

Feb 10, 2014, The FDA's Label Lift

Feb 20, 2014, 4 Diet Secrets of the U.S. Olympics Women’s Hockey Team

Feb 24, 2014, The Pizza Stimulus

Feb 25, 2014, White House Sets New Limits on Junk Food Ads in Schools

Feb 26, 2014,
The 10 Most Filling Foods for Weight Loss

Apr 15, 2015, Baby Food Recalled for Containing Glass

Apr 23, 2015, The Trouble With Foods Kids See Advertised on TV

Oct 14, 2015, You Asked: Should I Count Calories?

Jan 04, 2016, Healthier School Lunch Rules Are Working, Study Finds

Jan 07, 2016, 92% of Restaurant Meals Have Too Many Calories: Study.

Jan 08, 2016 Experts Say Lobbying Skewed the U.S. Dietary Guidelines

Jan 26, 2016, Our Official Dietary Guidelines Are Useless

Feb 02, 2016, What Your Low-Fiber Diet Does to Your Health

Feb 03, 2016, 20 Everyday Habits That Sabotage Weight Loss Goals

Feb 12, 2016, This Is What Vegan Means

Feb 23, 2016, This Is Why Vegetarianism Didn’t Catch on Until Recently

June 29, 2016 Butter is Not Linked to Heart Disease, Death, and Diabetes. 

Mar 01, 2016, Cheaper Healthy Food Would Save Millions of Lives

Feb 28, 2017, 12 Healthy Eating Hacks Nutritionists Use Every Day

Jun 5, 2017, 
The Weight Loss Trap: Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

Nov 01, 2017, Happy World Vegan Day! Here Are 5 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Nov 17, 2017
About 90% of Americans Don't Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables.

Nov 22, 2017, 3 Reasons Why Coffee Is So Good for You

Feb 26, 2018
The Surprising Secrets to Living Longer — And Better

Mar 1, 2018, 5 Dietitians on the One Nutrition Tweak You Should Make

Mar 15, 2018, There’s No Such Thing as a Single 'Best' Diet 

Aug 16, 2018, Eating This Many Carbs Is Linked to a Longer Life 

Oct 3, 2018, Almost 40% of Americans Eat Fast Food on Any Given Day, Report Says 

Oct 18, 2018, These Are the Best High-Fiber Foods, According to Experts 

Dec 4, 2018, Here's One Simple Way You Can Start Eating Healthier 

Dec 5, 2018, Are Eggs Healthy? Here’s What Experts Say 

Dec 19, 2018, Diet and Exercise Might Reverse Aging in the Brain 

Jan 2, 2019, These Are the 5 Best Diets for 2019, According to Experts 

Feb 23, 2019, Why Food Could Be the Best Medicine of All 

Feb 26, 2019, Confused By Expiration Dates? You’re Not Alone. Here’s What They Really Mean

April 3, 2019 Diets Are Linked to 20% of Deaths Worldwide

April 8, 2019
Vitamins and Supplements Can't Replace a Balanced Diet, Study Says

May 15, 2019, 
Are Onions and Garlic Healthy? Here's What Experts Say

Sept 30, 2019,
 Should You Stop Eating Red Meat? 

Dec 16, 2019, Why Your 2020 New Year's Health or Fitness Resolution Might Be Proven Outdated by 2030

Jan 2, 2020
Countless People Are Struggling With an Eating Disorder Doctors Can't Diagnose

Mar 18, 2020, How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy While COVID-19 Has You Stuck at Home

Apr 28, 2020, Our Diets Are Changing Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is It for the Better?

Aug 26, 2020, How Growing Food Can Change Your Life, According to Gardener Ron Finley

Apr 28, 2022. Does Taking Vitamins and Supplements Make You Healthier? Vitamins, dietary supplements, and botanicals are increasingly popular, but scant evidence supports their use for most people.

Jun 16, 2022. The Truth About Fasting and Type 2 Diabetes - Most fad diets don't live up to the hype, let alone serious scientific scrutiny. But intermittent fasting is an exception.

Dec 28, 2022. What IBD Patients Want Their Doctors to Know. Doctors could help people with IBD by making it a point to better discuss issues like mental health and nutrition…

Jan 9, 2023. Why Ultra-Processed Foods Are So Bad for You. Growing research suggests that ultra-processed foods—the kind you find on grocery store shelves—may pose health risks. Here's what to avoid.

Jan 20, 2023. Time You Eat Doesn't Matter For Weight Loss, Study Finds. A new study finds that what time you eat meals doesn't matter for weight loss—what's important is the amount you eat.

February 28, 2023 Magnesium Supplements Are a Buzzy New Sleep and Anxiety Aid. Do They Work? Haley Weiss


Friday, March 1, 2024

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

The American Peanut Council proclaims peanut butter one of America’s favorite foods. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, niacin, and folate. It is enjoyed by many of all ages.

Below are a few ways to enjoy peanut butter - be creative.

The National Peanut Board has a fun website filled with recipes, classroom activities, and fun facts. Did you know...

*It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.

*There are enough peanuts in one acre to make 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches.

*By law, any product labeled "peanut butter" in the United States must be at least 90 percent peanuts.

*Peanut butter has been banned in some schools due to peanut butter allergies. Make sure to read the ingredient label.

A Journey through the Years
with Peanut Butter

Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 1957

1960's Skippy Peanut Butter

Kraft Peanut Butter, 1987

Thursday, February 29, 2024

National Nutrition Month® 2024: Beyond the Table

Each year, I look forward to the theme chosen for National Nutrition Month®  by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The 2024 theme, "Beyond the Table," has especially sparked my curiosity. It encourages us to delve into our food journey before arriving at our tables. This theme urges us to reflect on the full lifecycle of food, from the seeds sown in the earth, through the hardworking farmers and ranchers who cultivate it, to the busy factories processing it, and finally to the colorful supermarkets and local farmers' markets where it's showcased.

It's an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the intricate web of connections and the hard work in bringing food to our tables, encouraging a deeper respect for our meals and the myriad hands that contribute to their creation. By delving into the stories behind our food, we can foster a more sustainable, informed, and grateful approach to eating and living.

The annual March campaign educates people about making wise food choices and establishing healthy eating and physical activity routines. During this month, the Academy disseminates press releases containing vital information for the media regarding various activities, highlighted messages, and special events, including RDN Day and NDTR Day, to underscore the campaign's significance.

The 2024 theme for National Nutrition Month® is
"Beyond the Table."

 "Beyond the Table" looks into the many factors that affect our food choices. This theme examines a range of influences, such as:

  •  Origins of Food: Understanding the source, farming practices, and food journey from farm to table. 
  • Cultural Significance: Recognizing how different cultures and traditions influence dietary choices and practices.
  • Environmental Impact: Consider the ecological footprint of food production and make environmentally conscious choices.
  • Mindful Eating: Focusing on the experience of eating, being present, and attentive to the body's hunger and satiety signals.
  • Nutritional Impact on Overall Well-being: Acknowledging how food choices affect physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Access and Education: Highlighting the importance of access to nutritious food for all and educating people about healthy eating.

"Beyond the Table" thus emphasizes a broader view of nutrition, where food is seen as an integral part of a larger ecosystem, including its production, cultural context, environmental effects, and role in holistic well-being.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is also celebrated during National Nutrition Month®, on the second Wednesday in March. This occasion increases awareness of registered dietitian nutritionists as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services while recognizing both RDNs and nutrition and dietetic technicians registered for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

National Chili Day - Chili with Gorgonzola Cheese

Chili with Gorgonzola Cheese

1 cup Chili with Beans
1 Tablespoon Gorgonzola Cheese

Heat chili. Top with cheese.

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For more information, visit Dietitians-Online Nutritional Analysis Services

Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN, FAND

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

National Cherry Month

About seventy percent of the cherries produced in the United States come from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. There are two main types of cherries: sweet and sour. Sour cherries are lower in calories and higher in vitamin C and beta-carotene than sweet cherries.

Select firm, red cherries with stems attached. Avoid soft, shriveled, or blemished cherries. Good cherries should be large (one inch or more in diameter), glossy, plump, hard, and dark-colored for their variety. Avoid fruit that is bruised or has cuts on the dark surface.

How to Store
Refrigerate cherries for up to 10 days.

Nutrition Benefits
Fat-free, saturated fat-free, sodium-free, cholesterol-free, good source of vitamin C and potassium.

Health Benefits

Sweet cherries have several cancer-preventive components, including fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, and anthocyanins. The potential role of sweet cherries in cancer prevention lies mostly in the anthocyanin content, especially in cyanidin. Sweet cherries are a good source of cyanidins, which act as antioxidants and may reduce cancer risk.

Cardiovascular Disease
Sweet cherries have been shown to have significant levels of anthocyanins and other pigments in perhaps smaller concentrations that provide synergistic effects thought to be protective of the heart and related vascular tissue.

Researchers are interested in the role of anthocyanins in reducing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. The lower glycemic response shown in relation to cherry consumption may result from the glucose-lowering effects of cherry phytochemicals in combination with the fiber content of cherries.

Sweet cherries are considered a good source of dietary potassium, with approximately 260 mg of potassium for every cup of fresh cherries consumed. Adequate potassium intake has been shown to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke.

Sweet cherries also contain a small amount of quercetin. Quercetin is an antioxidant that may play a beneficial role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cancer.

Cherries are one plant food source of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a role in promoting healthy sleep patterns.

Ease muscle soreness
Researchers believe tart cherries’ antioxidants protect against exercise-induced free radicals, which can lead to painful inflammation.

Cherries may help reduce the swelling, inflammation, and tenderness associated with gout. Research reveals eating about 2 cups fresh sweet Bing cherries daily lowered uric acid levels by 15%.


1. Health, Health Benefits of Cherries
2. Better Homes and Gardens, Healthy Cherry Recipes
3. The Greatest Table: 5 Healthy Cherry Recipes from Around the Web

4. The Cherry on Top: 8 Health Benefits of Cherries. HealthEssential, Cleveland Clinic

Fruits & Veggies - More Matters, Cherries & Heart Health

National Tooth Fairy Day
Nutrition and Your Child's Dental Health

Healthy teeth are important to your child's overall health. From the time your child is born, there are things you can do to promote healthy teeth and prevent cavities. For babies, you should clean teeth with a soft, clean cloth or baby's toothbrush. Avoid putting the baby to bed with a bottle and check teeth regularly for spots or stains.

For all children, you should
1. Start using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste when they are two years old. You might start sooner, if a dentist or doctor suggests it.
2. Provide healthy foods and limit sweet snacks and drinks
3. Schedule regular dental check-ups

Forming good habits at a young age can help your child have healthy teeth for life.

1. WebMD. Nutrition and Your Child's Teeth
2. Canadian Dental Association, Nutrition for Children
3. National Institute of Health, Child DentalHealth

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Pistachio Power: Unshell the Benefits

Pistachios were introduced in the United States in the 1930s. Today, California produces more than 400 million pounds of pistachios each year, making it a leading producer of pistachios worldwide. Each pistachio tree averages around 50 kg of seeds, or around 50,000, every two years.

Fruit-Filled Breakfast Tacos with Pistachios
Amy Gorin MS, RDN @AmyGorin  

Pistachios Offer Multiple
Health Benefits

Pistachio nuts, eaten as part of a healthy diet, can increase the levels of antioxidants in the blood of adults with high cholesterol, according to Penny Kris-Etherton, Penn State professor of nutrition, along with an international team of nutritional scientists. Previous research has shown that pistachios also lower lipids and lipoproteins, which benefit heart health.

To learn more about the Pistachio, visit the following links:
Website. Pistachio Health

National Clam Chowder Day

Many regional variations of Clam Chowder exist. The two most common are New England or "white" clam chowder and Manhattan or "red" clam chowder. Manhattan versus New England Clam Chowder.


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