CHICAGO – When was the last time your father, brother, husband or partner cooked a meal, asked for a second helping of vegetables or did the grocery shopping? If recent trends are a guide, it happened recently, according to the American Dietetic Association.
“More than ever, men are playing a role in buying and preparing the food that is eaten in their household,” says registered dietitian Martin M. Yadrick, past president of the American Dietetic Association. “Not only is budgeting finances important, but men are also realizing the need for healthy calorie budgeting, too. “Think of eating in terms of contributing to your 401k. Doing the right thing over time will make a huge difference down the road,” Yadrick says. “My advice is: Guys, take ownership of all your personal health needs.” Registered dietitians say men’s questions, interests and needs regarding food and nutrition tend to focus on such areas as being healthier; looking good; performing at their best; having more energy; recovering from injuries and learning how they can excel through healthy eating and activity habits. For men of all ages and all stages of life, eating right and being physically active are as important to health as annual physical exams and visits to the dentist, Yadrick says. “For men as well as women, good nutrition is vital, but a man’s nutrient needs are unique due to higher muscle mass, larger body size and hormonal differences.” Men can serve as an example of healthful eating – at work or at home – by making smart foods choices when they’re around colleagues, children and spouses. “Cut down on meat portions and fill up the extra space with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds,” Yadrick says. By including these foods on your plate every day, men can benefit their health and potentially stave off obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and dementia. “You can stay healthy and active longer – and that includes your sex life and fertility – if you make good choices when you eat,” says Yadrick. With research showing that making small dietary and lifestyle changes every day goes a long way toward improving your overall health picture for life, Yadrick encourages all men to jump aboard the eating right bandwagon.
“Adding nutrient-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal is a great step in the right direction. Cutting down on portion sizes can make a huge difference in your overall calorie intake,” Yadrick says. “It’s the results that matter to men, and our taste buds and health can provide the proof that eating right pays off.” The American Dietetic Association is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. ADA is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the American Dietetic Association at
Men's Health is maintained by Men's Health Network. Men's Health Network (MHN), is a non-profit educational organization focused on improving the health and wellbeing of men, boys and their families through a broad spectrum of national screening, educational campaigns, advocacy opportunities and patient navigation.
MHN can be found in every state and over 25 foreign countries. The advisory board consists of over 800 physicians, researchers, public health workers and community leaders specializing in men's and family health.
Preventative Care
When you get a preventive medical test, you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re doing it for your family and loved ones:
Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22 percent more likely to have neglected their cholesterol tests.
Men are 28 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for congestive heart failure.
Men are 32 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for long-term complications of diabetes and are more than twice as likely than women to have a leg or foot amputated due to complications related to diabetes.
Men are 24 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for pneumonia that could have been prevented by getting an immunization.
The single most important way you can take care of yourself and those you love is to actively take part in your health care. Educate yourself on health care and participate in decisions with your doctor. This site will help you get started.
Source: Healthcare Cost & Utilization Project and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data
Men's Health Week
The purpose of Men's Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
This week gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.
The Goals of Men’s Health Network
1. Save men's lives by reducing premature mortality of men and boys.
2. Foster health care education and services that encourage men of all ages to implement positive lifestyles for themselves and their families.
3. Increase the physical and mental health of men so that they can live fuller and happier lives.
4. Energize government involvement in men's health activities so that existing government health networks can be utilized to increase the health and well-being of men and boys.
Men: Stay Healthy at Any Age Your Checklist for Health (pdf file) The information in this fact sheet is based on research findings from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). The USPSTF is the leading independent panel of experts in prevention and primary care. The Task Force, which is supported by AHRQ, conducts rigorous, impartial assessments of the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of a broad range of clinical preventive services, including screening, counseling, and preventive medications. Its recommendations are considered the gold standard for clinical preventive services.
Tips for men to get/stay healthy.
Men's Health Tips from the American Dietetic Association
June is Potty Training Awareness Month. Constipation in children is a common problem when potty training. Constipation is often characterized by infrequent bowel movements or hard, dry stools.
Causes of Constipation in Children
Toilet Training and Withholding. Your child may ignore the urge to have a bowel movement because of fear of the toilet or they don’t want to take a play break. Some children withhold when they are away from home because they are embarrassed to use a public bathroom. Withholding bowel movements sometimes results in a large painful mass of stool in the rectum called a fecal impaction. If it hurts to have a bowel movement, your child may try to avoid a repeat of the uncomfortable situation. If you begin toilet training too early, children may hold in there stools, which can quickly become an involuntary habit that's tough to break.
Dietary Changes. Lack of fruits and vegetables or fluid in your child's diet may cause constipation. For some children, too much milk and not enough water can lead to constipation.
Medication or Disease. Certain antacids, antidepressants, muscle relaxants and various other drugs can contribute to constipation. Changes in your child's appetite or diet due to illness may have the same effect.
Emotional Pressure to use the toilet or to give up diapers.
Symptoms of constipation in children *Fewer bowel movements than usual. *The child is fidgeting, clenching buttocks muscles or other unusual dancelike behaviors. *Experiencing Abdominal pain and cramping. *Painful or difficult bowel movements. *Hard, dry, or large stools. *Feces in the child’s underwear.
Prevention of constipation in children
*Offer high-fiber foods. Include: Fruits and Vegetables; Beans and Lentils; Bran sprinkled on cereals or yogurt; Whole grain bread and cereal; Dried or soft fruit added to muffins or cereal; Fruit spread If your child does not like vegetables, serve them hidden in casseroles, pastas or puree in soups. Ask your child to help out when preparing meals. Children are more willing to eat their food if they play a role in making their own meals.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following amounts of fiber needed per age and gender. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 6th ed. Elk Grove Village (IL): American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009 Age/Gender Fiber (grams) 2 - 3 years 19 4 – 8 years 25 9 – 11 years (female) 26 9 – 11 years (male) 31
*Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best choice. *Establish regular meal and snack times *Promote physical activity. Regular physical activity helps stimulate normal bowel function. *Create a toilet schedule. Set aside time after meals for your child to use the toilet. *Remind your child to use the bathroom. *Ask your doctor if your child is taking any medication that may cause constipation.
Treatment of Constipation in Children *Follow the prevention instructions. *Consult with the pediatrician or family doctor before using over-the-counter suppositories or laxatives. *Contact the doctor if four or five days have passed without a bowel movement, or if constipation is accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting or fever. *Consult a dietitian who can help create an appropriate food plan high in fiber.
This young child describes his concerns about Potty Training
Potty Training Tips from Parents TV - For Mom
Elmo and his Father show How Potty Time Can Be Fun: Sesame Street
Get in the Groove! Pull-Ups® Training Pants presents, "The Potty Dance"!
The information presented here does not constitute medical advice for any individual. Specific cases may vary. Dietitians-Online and Weighing-Success recommends readers consult a qualified health professional on an individual basis. All materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
Ellie Krieger, registered dietitian and host of Food Networks Healthy Appetite discusses the health benefits of Vitamin D during her Milk Moustache ad shoot.
On January 11, 2011 Elisa Zied, registered dietitian appearred on Good Morning America in the "Pour One More" campaign. Elisa is part of the Milk Street Team whose goal is to give one million free milk samples across the USA.
How to "Milk" Your Diet
Elisa Zied gives tips from her book, Nutrition at Your Fingertips.
Jill Jayne, MS, RD (Rockstar Nutritionist) Performs with the New York Jets in Support of Fuel Up to Play 60
Heart Smart® Grocery Store Tour - Milk Darlene Zimmerman is the Heart Smart® Dietitian. Join Darlene as she takes us to the milk and dairy aisle.
Got Milk? Spartan's got choices
Heather Leets, the dietitian for Family Fare and D&W walks Rachael (from eightWest) through many milk choices aimed at meeting ones calcium needs, but without worrying about lactose intolerance, allergies, or taste.
No Chocolate Milk?
Flavored milk could be a thing of the past as a movement sweeps the nation's schools. Lori Mooney, RD, LD of the the Nationwide Children's Hospital’s Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition says "Don't make milk the bad guy."
Elaine Magee lists Ten Food Steps to Free yourself from headaches. Some tell you what to avoid and others tell you what may help.
•Keep a headache and diet diary. •Avoid skipping meals. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're comfortable. •Limit caffeine to a moderate and consistent amount daily or eliminate it completely. •Avoid eating a high-fat diet. •Switch to plant and fish sources of omega-3s when possible. •Find out if NutraSweet is not so sweet for your headaches. •Limit tyramine-containing foods if you appear to be sensitive to it. (Link to a Low Tyramine Headache Diet (PDF) from the National Headache Foundation •Avoid certain additives if sensitive (MSG, nitrate/nitrite). •Beware of certain dehydrating beverages - those containing alcohol and caffeine. Stay hydrated as much as possible. •Work a couple of magnesium-rich foods into your day if you have hormonal headaches. Examples of magnesium-rich foods: Almonds, whole-grain bagel , barley, black beans, black-eyed peas, bran cereal with raisins, Brazil nuts, 100% whole-grain bread, brown rice, bulgur, cashews, and Wheat Chex
Food Tips For Migraines
Registered Dietitian Kerri Glassman explains to Julie Chen which foods hurt or help migraine headaches.
Foods Can Affect Headache Frequency Teresa Beach, a registered dietitian talks about foods that may trigger headaches. Beach states, "The best thing to do is keep a headache journal. On the days you get a migraine, try to think of every single thing you ate to see if there is a connection.
Milk, cheese and yogurt play a critical role in the diets of adults and children by providing essential nutrients. Drinking one cup of milk can help you meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans’ recommended three servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or milk products per day.
One cup (8-ounce) serving of milk provides the following nutrients: (Information based on one cup fat-free white milk)
Calcium, provides 30% of the Daily Value. Calcium helps build and maintain bones and teeth. It plays a role in nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.
Vitamin D, provides about 25% of the Daily Value. Vitamin D helps promote the absorption of calcium and enhances bone mineralization.
Protein, provides about 16% of the Daily Value and all of the essential amino acids. Protein builds and repairs muscle tissue and is a source of energy during intense physical activities.
Vitamin B12, provides about 22% of the Daily Value. Vitamin B12 helps build red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), provides about 26% of the Daily Value. Riboflavin helps convert food into energy. It is also involved in exercising muscles.
Phosphorus, provides about 25% of the Daily Value. Phosphorus helps strengthen bones.
The National Dairy Council provides some of the best nutrition education materials. They are advocates for healthy living and committed to our communities and health care needs. They are truly a user friendly organization.
National Dairy Council® (NDC) is the nutrition research, education and communications arm of Dairy Management Inc™. On behalf of U.S. dairy farmers, NDC provides science-based nutrition information to, and in collaboration with, a variety of stakeholders committed to fostering a healthier society, including health professionals, educators, school nutrition directors, academia, industry, consumers, and media.
Established in 1915, NDC is comprised of a staff of nutrition science researchers, registered dietitians and communications experts dedicated to educating the public on the health benefits of consuming milk and milk products throughout a person’s lifespan. In addition, NDC funds independent research to aid in the ongoing discovery of information about dairy foods’ important role in a healthy lifestyle. This research provides insights to industry for new dairy product innovation.
In partnership with its network of state and regional dairy councils, NDC disseminates nutrition programs, materials and research to support government recommendations for improved nutrition for Americans, including consumption of at least three servings of low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products a day.
Programs, Blogs and More from the National Dairy Council.
3-Every-Day™, a Dairy Promotion. Consuming 3-Every-Day™ of Dairy – three daily servings of milk, cheese, or yogurt is an easy way for families to get a powerful punch of nutrients to help build stronger bones and healthy bodies and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, a growing body of research suggests that enjoying three servings of dairy foods a day as part of a nutrient-rich, balanced diet may help maintain a healthy weight.
American Dairy Association of Indiana's Every Single Day TV Spot.
Fuel Up to Play 60is an in-school nutrition and physical activity program launched by National Dairy Council (NDC) and National Football League, in collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The program encourages youth to consume nutrient-rich foods (low-fat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and achieve 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Visit the Fuel Up to Play 60 website to learn more.
Dairy farms incorporate many sustainable practices that minimize their impact on the environment.
Messages from the Dairy Councils and Associations
American Dairy Farmers, 1990’s
Maine Dairy and Nutrition Council
Got Milk? Campaign encourages the consumption of cow's milk and was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein and Partners for the California Milk Processor Board in 1993. It was later licensed for use by milk processors and dairy farmers. You may want to stop by and visit their website. It is colorful, interactive and has great information
Got Milk?
Sponsored by the American Dairy Farmers
Tribute to the Dairy Advertisers.
I’m not sure who gets the credit for the Cow Tap Dancing, but the Message is Milk gets you swinging again.
California Cheese "Sunshine" commercial
1977 Dannon Yogurt Commercials "Georgians Over 100"
Current News, Resources and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. Wellness News is up-dated daily and includes weekly and daily events. To view the entire Newsletter online click here or subscribe to Wellness News by adding your email address to the link on the left.
Wellness News employs young adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy). Please visit our Gallery to purchase photographs of our Food Art with the proceeds going to special need young adults. Contact Dr. Sandra Frank for additional information (
Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites
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