Friday, August 9, 2024

Exercise with Your Child Week

This week encourages parents and guardians to exercise with their children as part of a healthier lifestyle. Exercise enables children to improve their overall well-being, to maintain a healthier weight, and to reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Children need 60 minutes of play with moderate to vigorous activity every day, but it doesn't have to be all at once. 

As a parent, you can help shape your child's attitudes and behaviors toward physical activity. Throughout their lives, encourage young people to be physically active for one hour or more each day, with activities ranging from informal, active play to organized sports. Here are some ways you can do this:

•Set a positive example by leading an active lifestyle.

•Make physical activity part of your family's daily routine by taking family walks or participating in active games together.

•Give your children equipment that encourages physical activity.

•Take young people to places where they can be active, such as parks and community centers.

•Be positive about physical activities in which your child participates and encourages them to be interested in new activities.

•Make physical activity fun, such as individual sports, and recreational activities including walking, running, skating, bicycling, swimming, and playground activities (check with your local health department regarding the safety of 
team sports).

•Instead of watching television, encourage your child to find fun activities such as walking, playing chase or riding bikes.

•Be safe! Always provide protective equipment such as helmets, wrist pads or knee pads and ensure that activity is age-appropriate.

Sid the Science Kid-Work Your Body
More and more children programs are encouraging
physical activities.

Exercise and the Physically Challenged
Physical activity is important for all children.
Get advice from a 
professional with experience in physical activity and disability. They can tell you more about the amounts and types of physical activity that are appropriate for your child's abilities.

Kids Eat Right, Make Fitness Fun for the Whole Family

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