Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 2010 Wellness News

Wellness News is your resource for current Health, Nutrition and Food topics and events. Subjects encourage awareness and inspire ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals. 

September Monthly Events
Weekly and Daily Events can be found in the Wellness Newsletter.

Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month

Monday, August 30, 2010

Read It Before You Eat It:
How to Decode Food Labels and Make the Healthiest Choice Every Time

New Book Release

Author: Taub-Dix, Bonnie. MA, RD, CDN

Title: Read It Before You Eat It: How to Decode Food Labels and Make the Healthiest Choice Every Time

Summary: "There is a wealth of information on food labels, but most people have no idea that products labeled “trans fat free” can contain trans fats or that “all natural” is essentially a misleading phrase."

Read It Before You Eat It (Plume 2010) will clear up the confusion by showing you how to make sense of the labels and sidestep tricky marketing ploys. Bonnie walks you through a typical grocery store and points out the best food choices to make in every aisle.

Read It Before You Eat It will help you find
the answers to these questions and so much more…

  Which foods help and which harm?
  Can you trust the labels on your food?
  What do all the numbers on the Nutrition Facts Panel mean?
  How can you get the most out of your money when buying food for your family?
  How can you shop smart, shop fast, and shop with confidence?

You won’t want to leave home without it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Registered Dietititian and Nutrition Expert
Kati Mora, MS, RD

Website. Mora Nutrition
Facebook. Around the Plate
LinkedIn. Kati Mora

Founder, Kati Mora is the Chief Blogger of Around the Plate. She also works as a nutrition consultant for the Central Michigan District Health department and writes nutrition content for multiple media outlets. Some of her latest work can be found on and

Mora Nutrition provides realistic and accurate nutrition information with its "Around the Plate" services. These include a nutrition-focused blog and a new text messaging service that provides daily nutrition tips to individuals on the go. Kati also offers educational services for groups as well as individuals.

Mora Nutrition currently offers two primary services to help individuals meet their nutrition goals. These include group presentations and and the development of educational material. Both serve as great tools to inform and educate people on a variety of nutrition topics.

Kati also offers a text messaging service, Around the Plate To Go. It brings daily nutrition tips directly to your mobile device.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School Nutrition
A Collection of Articles, Blogs and Videos

School nutrition: Healthier ingredients, more education for 2010-11. Among the new menu items schools are serving up for 2010-11: jicama, star fruit, sweet potato puffs, collard greens, edamame, egg-white omelets, and fish tacos. A new website from the SNA,, educates parents about healthy school meals and highlights innovative approaches around the country.

Let’s eat healthier, and get ready
When it comes to getting the day off to a good start, research shows that most youngsters aren’t eating a good breakfast before they head out the door. A new study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reports that 20 percent of children and 32 percent of teens skip what’s known as the most important meal of the day.

Experts: Get kids involved in lunch-making process. With creative menu ideas, parents can pack healthy school lunches that their kids will actually eat. ``People eat with their eyes. Children get bored, just like adults get bored,'' said Donna Kinney, a registered and licensed dietitian/nutritionist with Gordon Food Service, which helps South Florida schools develop healthier menus. ``We don't want to eat the same things every day and neither do they.''

Back to School - Eating Healthy
Florida Hospital Dietitian, Tamara Dorway, talks about getting your kids ready for school with healthy breakfast and lunch ideas.

Little Kids, Big Appetites
Can little kids be food addicts or binge eaters? Take a look at the behavioral factors of children's eating habits and how parents can influence healthier eating in their families.

Child Nutrition - Lunch Line Choices PSA
As an adult you are a role model for the children around you. Kids follow the lead of the adults they see everyday. So remember, healthy choices start with you.

School lunches: the allergy debate
Food allergies and intolerances run the gamut and lunchtime at school can be tough to swallow for kids with special dietary needs.

Remember 'food groups' when packing school lunch
Packing a school lunch might seem like a daunting task to some. But, Miami-based dietitian Claudia Gonzalez, author of “Gordito Doesn't Mean Healthy,” says eating nutritious meals is easier than you think.

10 Easy Breakfast Recipes for Kids
Feed your children and get them out the door in a flash with these kid-friendly breakfasts that take 20 minutes or less.

Priceless: School Lunch
"Priceless" launched the One Tray campaign depicting the cafeteria tray as the conduit for a reformed school food system that supports healthy children, local farms, and smart schools.

Lunch Encounters of the Third Kind
Every child deserves the opportunity to eat food in school that ensures their health and well-being and Farm to School programs are one solution to incorporating healthier foods into school meals.

Sarah Hortman, RD is a feature writer for the Omaha Examiner. She has written a series of article to help parents and children get ready for the new school year.

  Top 8 kid friendly cereals. The top 8 kid friendly healthy cereals are based on a one serving size portion that contains 6g or less of sugar, 3g or more fiber, 100% whole grain as the first listed ingredient, no artificial colors & preservatives and are fortified with iron.

  Back to School Nutrition Part 1: BreakfastWhen it comes to children, a well nourished child who consumes a healthy breakfast is ready to learn as they have more energy, stamina, self-esteem, especially if they are physically active on a daily basis.

  Back to School Nutrition Part 2: Brown Bag Lunch Basics. A successful brown bag lunch will include a variety of a child’s favorite choices of whole grains, proteins, fresh fruits or vegetables and a beverage, ideally milk or water. To increase appeal there should be a variety of colors, textures and flavors. Make foods fun such as creating small kabobs from fruit, meat and cheese.

  Back to School Nutrition Part 3: Top 10 Strategies for Healthy Kid Friendly Brown Bag LunchesPlan the upcoming week of lunches together. Consider their likes and dislikes by having them write a list of foods for the month that they would like in their lunches and foods

  Back to School Nutrition Part 4: School Lunch Legislation. We have all been hearing the buzz around childhood obesity and the connection with a need for healthier school lunches. According to the CDC, childhood obesity rates in children aged 6-11 have increased from approximately 6% in 1980 to approximately

  Back to School Nutrition Part 5: School Lunch Strategies. While our schools begin to plan for implementing healthier food choices due to the new Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, the following are additional guidelines for us to help score school lunches.

The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides cash assistance to States to operate nonprofit breakfast programs in schools and residential childcare institutions. The program is administered at the Federal level by FNS. State education agencies administer the SBP at the State level, and local school food authorities operate it in schools.

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. The program was established under the National School Lunch Act, signed by President Harry Truman in 1946.

Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ The Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ Campaign was launched by USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to encourage and teach children, parents, and caregivers to eat healthy and be physically active every day. Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ offers resources and tools to convey and reinforce healthy eating and lifestyle behaviors that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the MyPyramid Food Guidance System. Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ is about making America's children healthier. It's about practical suggestions that will help you motivate children and their caregivers to eat healthy and be active. Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ Campaign messages and materials are fun for children and informative for caregivers.

Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity.

Recipes for Healthy Kids. The USDA is creating a nationwide challenge which will bring together teams of school nutrition professionals, chefs and students to develop nutritious, delicious, and kid-approved recipes for use in schools. Your school could have an award-winning recipe and a chance to compete in the national cook-off.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Accredited Practising Dietitian
Tara Diversi, B.HSc, MS, APD

Twitter. @TaraDiversi
LinkedIn. Tara Diversi

Tara Diversi is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). She holds a Bachelor of Health Science, Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics, Graduate Diploma of Psychology and Masters of Business Administration majoring in Marketing.

Tara has worked in private practice, public health dietetics, community dietetics and foodservice. She currently lecturers at the University of Sydney, Australia in the Human Nutrition Unit.

Tara is the founding director of Health Management. She promotes positive ‘can do’ attitude and innovation in practice amongst the Health Management team, encouraging them to aim to be the best they can be. She enjoys training, mentoring and supporting health professionals to reach their goals and achieve positive health outcomes.

She is passionate about communication within the health industry and is involved in a range of writing, consulting and speaking work.

Food Personality
Australian Dietitian Tara Diversi talks about what your eating type is.

Tara enjoys all aspects of nutrition but is particularly interested in how food is used to fulfil needs other than nutrition and therefore causes over eating and under eating disorders. She works with eating disorders, weight loss and with women with PCOS and other fertility problems.

Areas of interest
- Corporate Health/Nutrition
- Nutrition in Food Service
- Sports Nutrition
- Aged care nutrition
- School Nutrition
- Nutrition in heat (sports, outdoor, elderly, worksites)

Tara is the convenor of DAA's (Dietitians Association of Australia) Dietitians in the Private Sector Interest Group. Tara has worked with a range of media since becoming a spokesperson in 2005. She was recently awarded with a 'North Queensland Telstra Country Wide Media Award' for Best Editorial for her work on The Cairns Post ‘Lose 2 Win’ campaign. Tara writes a regular column for Hospital and Healthcare magazine.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Maya E. Nahra, RD, LD

Holistic Nutrition. "We take the time to learn our client’s lifestyles, belief systems and daily thoughts and feelings as we believe these all have significant impact on the body's behaviors, digestive patterns and current body habits. We bring together the emotional, psychological and physical aspects to treat the person as a whole."
   -Maya E. Nahra, RD, LD

Website. Pure Nutrition
Blog. As the RD
Twitter. @MayaTheRD
Facebook. Ask Maya
LinkedIn. Maya E. Nahra

Maya is a registered, licensed dietitian, freelance writer, certified Synergia practitioner, and holistic life coach who has found her passion and calling in life. She has helped changed the lives of clients for over 5 years. With a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from St. Louis University in Missouri, Maya is guided by her deep passion for holistic health stemming from her own life lessons.

She is an active member of the American Dietetic Association and Arizona Dietetic Association. Additionally, Maya is the corporate dietitian for Sunflower Farmers Market, a natural and organic grocer in the southwest, where her main goal is to educate the consumer. She also does smaller healthy catering events, nutrition education for small or large groups, and corporate health and wellness programs.

Maya is interviewed on 
Foods to fight diabetes

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Janel Ovrut, MS, RD, LDN

LinkedIn. Janel Ovrut, MS RD
Twitter. @DietitianJanel

"If you find your fridge packed with produce that you know you won’t be able to eat fast enough, don’t bring it to the trash. Instead, add fresh vegetables to a big batch of soup or tomato sauce, bake a fruit-filled pie, or simply steam your vegetables, let them cool, and keep them in the freezer for another day."     - Janel Ovrut, MS, RD, LDN

 Healthy Breakfast Recipes on the Go
 Janel is interviewed by Sarah Dussault of Video

Janel Ovrut is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree from the Nutrition Communication program at Tufts University in Boston, and a bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from Syracuse University. She currently works in corporate wellness where Janel develops wellness programs for large companies, provides nutrition counseling for employees, and gives nutrition presentations relevant to a working professional’s busy life. In addition, Janel offers personal and practical nutrition advice for individuals and families.

Janel’s nutrition experiences include maternal and family nutrition, weight loss, meal planning and preparation, food allergies and vegetarian/vegan nutrition. She is a member of the Massachusetts Dietetic Association and has served on the board as the State Professional Recruitment Coordinator and Membership Chair. She is also a member of the American Dietetic Association’s Member Value Committee.

Janel has spoken at events such as the Healthy Living Summit, FitBloggin’ and the POM Wonderful Blogger Harvest Tour. She writes articles about healthy eating and the benefits of pomegranates for, contributes to the blog with The Veggie Table posts, and writes articles about family nutrition for

Janel also has her own food and nutrition blog called Eat Well With Janel. Janel explores her life through food and shares her culinary creations, recipes, food events, restaurant reviews and the races she competes in, which include half marathons and a triathlon.

Janel is passionate about good food “I love eating, cooking, grocery shopping, creating recipes, and trying new things!” She enjoys helping others realize simple steps to take to improve eating habits. For these reasons, her goal as a Registered Dietitian is to help others understand the importance of eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition Seminars and Lectures
Grocery Store Tours
Health Fairs and Visibility Tables
Nutrition Expert Writer and Blogger
Writer of Education Materials

Affiliations and Memberships
ServSafe Certified
American Dietetic Association
  Chair, Member Value Sub-Committee
Massachusetts Dietetic Association
  Current Membership Chair
  Former State Professional Recruitment Coordinator
Dietitians in Business and Communications Dietetic Practice Group
Food and Culinary Professionals Dietetic Practice Group
Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Robin Plotkin, RD, LD

Blog. Robinsbite
Facebook. Robinsbite
Twitter. @Robinsbite
LinkedIn. Robin Plotkin

After successful tenures at both the North Texas Food Bank and HEB/Central Market, Robin launched her culinary and nutrition communications consulting business in 2003. Her unique niche of combining food and nutrition expertise with sales, marketing and public relations experiences have landed her a diverse client base including: Glaceau, Sara Lee, Quaker Oats, Pop Chips, Bausch and Lomb, Tenet Healthcare Corporation, Fisher Pay Kel and the American Institute of Wine and Food.

Robin Plotkin, RD, LD shares popchips as a better-for-you party treat or snack.

Professional Awards & Honors
•Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award Winner (Texas Dietetic Association)
•2006-07 Outstanding Media Award Winner (Dallas Dietetic Association)

Professional Leadership
•Chair - Nutrition Entrepreneurs Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association
•Co-Chairman for the 2008 Texas Dietetic Association Annual Food and Nutrition Conference
•Advisory Committee Member for the Art Institute of Dallas' Culinary Arts Program
•Former President of the Dallas Dietetic Association

Culinary and Nutrition Communicator
Robin is an expert at translating the often times confusing nutrition message into realistic, fun and understandable terms for her audiences. Robin's high energy and enthusiasm is contagious and as a result, she is routinely asked back for additional speaking engagements! Audiences of 5-5000 will relate to her humorous, hands on approach to every day living, eating well and staying healthy.

Media and Product Spokesperson
Credible, flexible, timely and well spoken, Robin is often called upon by the media for her innovative and unbiased expertise about cooking, nutrition, food and wellness. Her successful approach encompasses real world experiences and her relatability to the every day consumer as well as the nutrition and culinary professional. She is also a brand and product ambassador at tradeshows, exhibits, cooking classes and industry events.

Marketing and Public Relations Strategist
As a specialist in consumer behaviors & trends in the nutrition and food industries, Robin positions her clients with her unique marketing expertise to result in increased visibility in the marketplace and higher sales. Her motto is "Let's get it done".

Event Producer and Manager
Robin's proven track record of successful turnkey events has created a buzz in the Food and Wine, Health and Fitness and Culinary Arts industries. She is routinely called upon or her expertise and knowledge for both small and large scale events. Overall conception, financial development, volunteer and staff management, vendor relations, media, and detailing the nuts and bolts of an event are her specialties.

Robin frequently mentors students and young dietitians as they carve their niche in the nutrition and food world by encouraging them to look over, under and around the box and not just outside of it. You'll also find her frequently quoted in the media as well as stirring things up in the kitchen and classroom as she teaches creative ways to balance eating and living well to students of all ages.

She spends her free time cooking and volunteering for such causes as the North Texas Food Bank and Lone Star Lab Rescue. Robin resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and 2 rescue dogs, Bo and Charlie.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Debra Riedesel, RD, LD

The Cycle Diet was developed by Debra Hope-Riedesel, a licensed registered dietitian (RD) specializing in women's health. The diet is based on the latest nutrition and medical research available on PMS, PMDD, and reproductive health.

Debra describes the diet plan as nutritionally balanced for all women between the ages of 15 and 55. Women who are younger or older have extra nutritional needs to be aware of. If you are the main caretaker and food provider for your family, the healthy changes you will be making will also benefit your family's health.

Cycle Diet Products can be found at the following link:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Lisa Stollman-Smouha, MA, RD, CDE, CDN

Twitter. Eatwellrd

Lisa is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. Since 1982 Lisa has been helping people improve their health with good nutrition. Lisa specializes in weight management, diabetes and gastrointestinal disorders. She finds passion in her work by teaching children and adults to eat healthier and live better.

Lisa is in private practice with the North Shore Medical Group-Mount Sinai Hospital in Huntington, New York and on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

She received her B.S. in Food and Nutrition and her M.A. in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. 

In addition to being a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator, Lisa is also credentialed as a Specialist in Pediatric and Adult Weight Management by The American Dietetic Association. Her clinical experience includes over a decade in three major teaching hospitals including St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan and The Frances Stern Nutrition Center at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston. She is a Past Chairman of The Nutrition Entrepreneur Dietetic Practice Group of The American Dietetic Association and a recent board member of the New York State Dietetic Association.

Lisa enjoys kickboxing, traveling and cooking healthy meals for her husband and two sons. She is passionate about eating well and living a healthy life. Lisa is currently writing a book on healthy eating and weight management for teens. This timely book should be on the shelves in spring 2011.

Eat Well Now! is Lisa's blog. She includes current news related to food and nutrition and favorite quick, easy and healthy recipes.  

Lisa's goals are to help you look and feel terrific by combining a sensible approach to healthy eating and fitness. She enjoys working with individuals and couples as well as families. Whether you want to reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes or cancer or feel it's finally time to lose weight and get in shape, Lisa can help you achieve your desired goals.

Lisa provides nutrition management for the following: weight management, sports nutrition,  food allergies, diabetes, gestational diabetes, hypoglycemia, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, celiac disease, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine headaches.

 Services provided include the following:
Individual nutrition consultations
Individual and group grocery store tours
Family nutrition evaluations
Individualized nutrition plans
New product development
Recipe development and modifications
School and daycare menu evaluation
Lectures and workshops
Diet analysis
Vitamin and mineral supplement assessment
Kitchen pantry makeover
Restaurant dining consultations
Phone and email visits

Dietitian Blog List