Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dietitians Share Earth Day Suggestions

Dietitians Share Earth Day Suggestions

Eat Green on Earth Day. Dietitians Share Their Best Eco-Friendly Food Shopping Tips by  Melinda Hemmelgarn, MS, RD (Today's Dietitian)

Earth Friendly Tips by Kathy Nichols, RD

Earth Day 2010 by Sheryl Lozicki, RD

Sustainable Groceries.
Stacy Roberts, RD from Holy Cross Hospital in Broward County, Florida is interviewed by Dave Aizer on sustainable groceries and eating. From the Morning Show, station SFL, WSFL-TV.

Go Green, Get Lean with Kate Geagan

Find out about sustainability, food choices and food security. USDA 

Eat Super Green for Earth Day with the Super Green Seafood List. Retweeted by Kate Geagan, MS, RD

Going Green for Earth Day by Andrea Samson, RD, LDN

A Dietitian's View. Celebrate Earth Day

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Social RD on Facebook

For any RD, food and/or nutrition professional wanting to learn the ins and outs of Social Media, including start-up, design, target audience, topics, tags, profits, maintenance, marketing, etc. this is the Facebook page you want to join.

The moderators are the very knowledgeable and talented Nadine Fisher, MS, RD, LD and Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD, LD, ACSM.

Nadine is an Internet entrepreneur and web developer. She is innovative and an Internet Problem Solver.

Rebecca has an advance degree in communications and digital technology. She is a member of NTEN (non-profit technology network) and a designer of websites and blogs.

The two of them together create a dynamic team. You do not want to miss being a part of their energy and expertise.

The Registered Dietitian
Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT

Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT
Twitter. megfit

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Julie Tharalson, RD

Julie Tharalson, RD
Twitter. FoodieRD

The Health Benefits of Laughing

Having a good laugh usually makes us feel positive about ourselves.
This can be a factor in motivating a person to lose weight.

Health Benefits of Laughing

A research published in the International Journal of Obesity discovered laughter can be beneficial in weight control.

Laughing helps burn calories by increasing the heart rate by 10 to 20 percent: The metabolism increases as well, meaning you will burn more calories at rest once you have stopped laughing.

Scientists calculated 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on a person’s weight and the intensity of the laughter.

Laughter can relieve physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which promotes an overall sense of well-being.

Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which may benefit the cardiovascular system.

Laughter may benefit people with diabetes. One study showed after watching a comedy, the group had lower blood sugar levels than they did after listening to a boring lecture.

Don’t laugh just to lose weight. Laugh because it feels great,
because it is healthy for you and
because we take ourselves too seriously.
It’s time to lighten up.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Anthony J Sepe, RD, From A Dietitian's Perspective

Anthony J Sepe, RD

From A Dietitian's Perspective 

April is National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month.
Find out how you can get involved.


Risk Factors For Organ Failure
* Obesity
* Diabetes
* Hypertension/Heart Disease/Stroke
* Life Style Choices

 Reduce Risks with Healthy Habits
* Stay Heart Healthy
* Follow the US Dietary guidelines
* Follow an Exercise program
* Go for an annual check-up with your Doctor

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010 World Parkinson's Disease Day

World Parkinson's Disease
Michael J. Fox: Living With Parkinson's

Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease
There is no special diet for people with Parkinson's disease. The nutritional goals include:
  • Eat well-balanced meals.
  • Consume adequate calories to maintain body weight within a normal range.
  • Minimize food and drug interactions.
  • If chewing, choking or excessive coughing becomes a problem, provide food consistency easily tolerated.
  • Feeding may become difficult and a referral to an occupational therapist may be necessary for adaptive eating utensils.

Eat Well-Balanced Meals
Eat a variety of foods. Include foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, bran, cereals, rice and pasta. Limit intake of salt, sugar and foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Drink eight cups of water per day. Balance exercise and food in order to maintain your weight within a healthy range. Ask your doctor if alcohol will interfere with any of your medications.

Medication and Food Interactions
Medication used to treat Parkinson's disease may cause nausea. Let your doctor know if nausea is a problem. There are several ways to control nausea, including:
  • Drink clear liquids, such as water, broth, fruit juices without pulp (apple juice, grape juice or cranberry juice), Clear sodas, sports drinks and plain gelatin.
  • Avoid juices with pulp and orange and grapefruit juices.
  • Eat and drink slowly.
  • Beverages should be consumed between meals, not with the meal.
  • Choose bland foods such as saltine crackers. Avoid greasy and fried foods.
  • Eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day.
  • Foods should be eaten cold or at room temperature.
  • After eating keep your head elevated and avoid brushing your teeth.

Some medications for Parkinson's disease may cause thirst or dry mouth. Include 8 or more cups of liquid each day, unless other medical conditions require you to limit your fluid intake. Add sauces to foods to make them moister. Try sour candy or an ice pop to help increase saliva.

Malnutrition may become a problem for a person diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. This could be related to depression, nausea, difficulty feeding, problems with swallowing, chewing, coughing and/or a loss of interest in food.

Patients who experience swallowing difficulties should consult a physician. The doctor may recommend a swallow study to determine the food consistency best tolerated. If feeding becomes difficult, a referral to an occupational therapist may be necessary for adaptive eating utensils.

Click the following link to learn more about World Parkinson's Disease Day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Featured Registered Dietitian, Tanya Zuckerbrot, M.S., R.D.

Tanya Zuckerbrot, M.S., R.D.
is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with a Mission. When I chose to feature Tanya, I had no idea how many business enterprises she was involved in. Tanya is passionate about her work and provides daily support on nutrition and health to thousands of people on the Internet and in her private practice based out of New York City and another in Roslyn Heights, New York.

Tanya is the author of the popular weight control book, called the F-Factor Diet. The book outlines a delicious and sustainable diet that highlights fiber as the key to permanent weight loss.

Tanya regularly appears on The Today Show and Extra; and guest expert appearances on The Rachael Ray Show, MSNBC, Good Morning America Health, CBS's The Early Show, CBS Evening News, Fox News and The Food Network. She also has a weekly blog called, “Tanya’s Tasty Tips,” found on

Skinny in the City is a daily online newsletter and website prepared by Zuckerbrot and a team of registered dietitians. They combine diet and nutrition information with the latest beauty and fashion news.

The latest addition to the Zuckerbrot brand, is The Skinny on Dietitians. It is a user-friendly website and search engine that helps people across the country find a qualified Registered Dietitian (RD) to meet their unique needs, budget and location. The site includes only dietitians accredited by The American Dietetic Association. The Skinny on Dietitians enables RD's to create a personalized profile that includes information about their training, contact information, website, areas of practice and specializations. For those RD's who do not have their own online presence, the Skinny on Dietitians can fill that void. The site offers one free and two low-cost ($10 and $20 per month) membership levels so that dietitians can choose the package that works best for them.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Registered Dietitians Online, 2010

This year I would like to extend a special thank you to the RDs I've met on-line. The Internet has brought the world closer together and open avenues for learning, teaching and sharing.

Dietitians-Online was created to acknowledge the contributions of Registered Dietitians on the Internet and their global impact. We have come a long way.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April is Fresh Florida Tomato Month

April is Fresh Florida Tomato Month and today April 6th we celebrate Fresh Tomato Day.
Low in Calories and rich in Vitamin C. Tomatoes are fun and easy to grow, indoors or outdoors.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Wellness News

April 2010 Current News and Resources in Nutrition, Food, Health, Recalls/Safety and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals.

April Monthly Events: Alcohol Awareness Month; Autism Awareness Month; Cancer Control Month; Child Abuse Prevention Month; Informed Women Month; Injury Prevention Month; International Customer Loyalty Month; IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Month; Month of the Military Child; National Donate Life Month; National Occupational Therapy Month; National Parkinson's Awareness Month; National Youth Sports Safety Month; Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month; Women's Eye Health and Safety Month; World Habitat Awareness Month; Celebrate Diversity Month; Community Spirit Days; Emotional Overeating Awareness Month; Florida Tomato Month; Global Child Nutrition Month; National Garden Month; National Pecan Month; National Soft Pretzel Month; National Soy Foods Month; Jazz Appreciation Month; Keep America Beautiful; National Humor Month; School Library Media Month; Stress Awareness Month

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Autism and Nutrition

For decades scientist have studied the role of nutrition in relationship to autism. Reseach has not shown a connection to diet and the treatment of Autism. However, this remains a controversy.

Whether or not food is a treatment, there are nutritional concerns to consider. The abstract below discusses some of the eating problems faced by a persom with autism. To view the complete article click the title link.

Abstract.  Eating Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Williams, Keith E. PhD, BCBA-D; Seiverling, Laura MA; Topics in Clinical Nutrition: January/March 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1-p 27–37

A variety of eating problems, especially problems with food selectivity, have been reported in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). A few studies have examined children with and without ASDs and compared eating problems found in a group of children. Other research has examined possible etiological factors that lead to eating problems among children with ASDs. This review discusses these areas of research. While the treatment of eating problems among children with ASDs can present a clinical challenge to providers, there is a growing literature detailing effective interventions for the eating problems in this population. Methods of assessment as well as details of interventions that have been found to effectively treat eating problems among children with ASDs are described.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What are Registered Dietitians Saying About Nutrition, Food and Health?

What Registered Dietitians are Saying about Nutrition, Food and Health.
To view the quotes on an interactive calendar visit What are RDs saying on Dietitians-Online.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

In honor of NNM, ADA Spokesperson Sarah Krieger is the expert at PBS Parents:

In honor of NNM, ADA Spokesperson Sarah Krieger is the expert at PBS Parents:: "In honor of NNM, ADA Spokesperson Sarah Krieger is the expert at PBS Parents:

Getting Kids to Try New and Healthy Foods . Expert Q&A . PBS Parents | PBS
Each month, you'll be able to get answers directly from experts covering a wide range of parenting topics. You'll also have a chance to share your own expert tips with other parents. Join the conversation!"

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Registered Dietitian's Role in Treating Bariatric Surgery Patients

The Registered Dietitian's Role in Treating Bariatric Surgery Patients: "This month, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association focuses on the ever-increasing use of bariatric surgery to control the excess morbidity and mortality associated with Class III advanced obesity, when body mass index (BMI) is > 40. These patients require careful assessment and guidance to further promote and sustain weight loss, provide essential nutrients, and offer a lifestyle shift that can permanently accomplish these goals."

Will Dieting Make You Fat?

Will Dieting Make You Fat?
from Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes » blog by Arya M. Sharma, MD

I have often heard from my patients that with previous weight loss attempts they not only gained all of their weight back but in fact gained additional pounds, making them heavier than they ever were before - in other words, they report to have dieted themselves “fat”.

Does this in fact happen? Is excess weight gain perhaps even a natural consequence of trying to control your weight by dieting?

This question was now addressed by Jennifer Savage and Leann Birch from Pennsylvania State University in a study published this month in OBESITY.

A total of 176 women were assessed at baseline and followed over four years. Three groups of women were identified: those making no effort to control their weights (N; 23%), those using healthy strategies (H; 43%) and those using both healthy and unhealthy strategies (H+U; 35%).

Despite adjustment for numerous confounders like education, income, and initial BMI, women using both healthy and unhealthy strategies (H+U) gained significantly more weight (4.56 kg) than the N group (1.51 kg) and H group (1.02 kg) over the four year observation period.

Interestingly, these differences were already apparent in the third year, when the H+U group gained significantly more weight (2.86 kg) than the H group (0.03 kg) and N group (0.44 kg).

Perhaps not surprisingly, the H+U weight control group had higher scores on weight concerns, dietary restraint, and had poorer eating attitudes than women in the H or N groups.

Healthy strategies included reducing calories and amount of food, eliminating sweets, junk food and snacks, increasing activity, eating more fruit and vegetables, eating less fat or less high-carb foods, and eating less meat.

Unhealthy strategies included skipping meals, using diet pills, liquid diets, appetite suppressants, laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and fasting.

These findings suggest that self-reported weight control attempts do not necessarily lead to large weight gains, but using unhealthy strategies to control weight does.

As the authors point out, the main reason that women who used healthy weight control strategies were probably more successful was simply because these strategies are more sustainable than the unhealthy strategies like fasting, skipping meals or using liquid diets or pills, which may simply lead to loss of control, overeating and excess weight gain over time.

Another important aspect of this study noted by the authors is that women with greater weight concerns were apparently more likely to engage in unhealthy practices thus setting themselves up for greater weight gain in the long run. This point, if validated in other studies, clearly sends a warning that simply promoting weight concerns may actually exacerbate weight problems in the long run.

Thus, providing proper guidance on healthy weight loss strategies is essential to avoid making the problem worse than it already is.

On the other hand, the study also shows that women who adopt healthy weight control techniques can very much minimise weight gain over time, even if no actual weight is lost in the long run.


Edmonton, Alberta


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Diabetes Alert Day, March 23, 2010

Diabetes Alert Day

The American Diabetes Association has designated March 23, 2010 as Diabetes Alert Day.

The American Diabetes Association is at the forefront of the fight to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes. They provide education, promote awareness, advocate on behalf of diabetes patients and are the authoritative source on diabetes in the United States.

To learn more about the American Diabetes Association and events planned for Diabetes Alert day, Visit American Diabetes Association Alert Day

Sunday, March 21, 2010

California Strawberry Day

California Strawberry Day, March 21, 2010
A delicious fruit rich in vitamin C, fiber and low in calories.

Strawberries are easy to grow indoors or outside. It's a fun family activity to plant, grow, harvest and eat.

National Nutrition Month
Nutrition from the Ground-up

Dietitian Blog List