The Student Dietetic Association (SDA) at Florida International University (FIU) are eager to share with the community the importance of eating healthy and creating awareness of the obesity epidemic.
FIU SDA visits Coconut Palm Elementary School and shows the kids new fruits and vegetables they didn't know existed.
FIU SDA students participate in a "healthy protest where they walked around the FIU campus with posters about alarming statistics about obesity, as well as healthy tips.
SDA teams up with the meditation club and creates healthy snacks for stressful times during finals and midterms.
TIME was first published on March 3, 1923 as a newsmagazine which summarized and organized the news. Here are some articles and cover stories form Time Magazine focusing on Food and Nutrition.
Monday, Oct. 08, 1923, Medicine: Vitamin X Discovered by Dr. Herbert M. Evans and Dr. Katharine S. Bishop, of the University of California.* They call it ";Vitamin X." "Vitamins," now so popular, were unknown ten years ago. They cannot be seen or weighed. They came to light only when it was found diets are not providing proper nourishment and in some cases deficiencies would occur, such as scurvy, beriberi and pellagra.
Monday, Mar. 31, 1924, Medicine: Vitamin D Dr. Walter H. Eddy, Professor of Physiological Chemistry in Teachers' College, Columbia University showed a group of his colleagues four test tubes containing 70 milligrams of a crystalline substance, Vitamine D. Their work may lay a basis for future synthetic foods to form a scientific diet, though the authentic vitamin scientists have nothing but condemnation for the various commercial tablets, cakes, etc., now on the market. The best diet can still be secured from natural foods.
Monday, Jun. 09, 1941, Medicine: The Nation's Food Nine hundred doctors, dietitians, chemists, industrialists met in Washington last week to tackle an immense problem: the U.S. diet. As a whole the U.S. today is probably better fed than any other nation, but at least 45,000,000 people in the U.S. are undernourished. Another 50,000,000 people drag along on four cylinders, but cut a good five years off their work-life by not eating the right foods. Of the 35,000,000 remaining, quite a few suffer from overeating.
Monday, Aug. 06, 1956, Medicine: Crazy About Reducing
U.S. experts on diets and reducing are in a tizzy. For years they had been preaching the gospel that the only way to reduce is to cut down the amount of fuel (expressed as the number of calories) stoked into the body.
Friday, Nov. 25, 1966, Food: Everyone's in the Kitchen
Julia Child, 54, is the 6-ft.-2-in.-tall star of the Emmy-winning half-hour program, The French Chef. Her viewers on 104 educational TV stations across the U.S. watch her every move, forgive her every gaffe and, in a word, adore her.
Dec 18, 1972, The Perils of Eating, American Style
Whether they are simply trying to get thin, or whether they are pursuing health or even salvation through diet, Americans are perhaps more preoccupied than any other nation with what to eat, what not to eat, how to eat and even when.
Monday, Sep. 17, 1973, FOOD: The Burger That Conquered the Country
The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they nourish themselves. - The Physiology of Taste, Jean Brillat-Savarin (1826). If so, America's destiny manifestly depends to no small degree on the hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes served beneath the golden arches of Mc Donald's. Last year the chain of drive-ins and restaurants rang up sales of $1.03 billion, passing the U.S. Army ( 1972 food volume: $909 million) as the nation's biggest dispenser of meals.
Monday, Nov. 02, 1981, Diet and Exercise Dangers Regular exercise is good for the heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and metabolism. Says Jim Barnard, research cardiologist at U.C.L.A.: "It's similar to tuning up your car's engine to make the car run more efficiently." Vigorous physical effort helps release tension too. But it can also do a lot of damage, especially if the athlete is a neophyte or weekend warrior, both of whom tend to try to do too much too soon. Dieting poses a whole set of different hazards, especially the quickie weight-losing schemes that separate U.S. dieters from a few pounds each year. Among the current In diets are the Pritikin, the Atkins and the Beverly Hills Diet. Nutrition experts insist that many fad diets are not really diets at all but bizarre and temporary ways of depriving the subject of adequate nutrition. Mar 15, 1982, Salt: A New Villain? KILLER SALT screams the book cover from a huge display of volumes with titles like Shake the Salt Habit!, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt and Halt! No Salt. These days they are selling in the the hundreds of thousands. Mar 26, 1984, Hold the Eggs and Butter Cholesterol is proved deadly, and our diet may never be the same This year began with the announcement by the Federal Government of the results of the broadest and most expensive research project in medical history. Its subject was cholesterol.
Dec 24, 1990, Health: Red Alert on Red Meat The link between high-fat diets and colon cancer gets stronger.
Jul 15, 1991, The Fight over Food Labels By launching a holy war against misleading claims, the government could clear up some of the confusion on supermarket shelves and help Americans become healthier consumers Apr 06, 1992, The New Scoop On Vitamins They may be much more important than doctors thought in warding off cancer, heart disease and the ravages of aging and, no, you may not be getting enough of these crucial nutrients in your diet Jan 08, 1996, HEALTH: ARE WE READY FOR FAT-FREE FAT?
The FDA is about to decide whether you can eat these chips. They are fried in a fake oil that can't make you fat. Dip, Anyone?
Nov 01, 1999, The Low-Carb Diet Craze Fad diets come and go, but this one is exploding. Can you really lose weight by feasting on beef, eggs and bacon? And should you?
Jan 21, 2002, 10 Foods That Pack A Wallop Eat, drink and be healthy! Scientists are rapidly identifying the natural chemicals that give preventive punch to a rainbow of ordinary edibles.
Jul 15, 2002, Should We All Be Vegetarians? Would we be healthier? Would the planet? The risks and benefits of a meat-free life.
Jul 07, 2003, Cracking The Fat Riddle Should you count calories or carbs? Is dietary fat your biggest enemy? The latest research may surprise you.
Oct 20, 2003, Health: How to Eat Smarter In a world that is raining food, making healthy choices about what and how to eat is not easy. Here are some rules to live by.
Jun 07, 2004, America's Obesity Crisis: Activists: The Obesity Warriors What will it take to end this epidemic? These experts are very glad you asked
Five Tips on Organizing the Kitchen For Healthy Eating From Dietitian Ashley Koff
Dietitians Association of Australia recommends looking for the APD credential when choosing a dietitian. APDs are university-qualified and have extensive expertise in nutrition. Finding an APD is easy -Go to Great message from our colleagues down under.
Fat State Stretched Thin: Tenn. Covers Gastric Bypass, by Daniel Potter. Tennessee's state Medicaid program faces hundreds of millions of dollars in budget cuts in the coming months. The program, known as TennCare, won't pay for overweight patients to get counseling from dietitians, but it will pay for the morbidly obese to lose weight through surgery, such as gastric bypass.
On Nutrition: What about protein? By BARBARA QUINN. The Monterey County Herald (MCT). Barbara Quinn is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. She is the author of "Diabetes DTOUR Diet," Rodale, 2009. Email her at
CIGNA CP : Six Easy, Fun Steps to Better Health. CIGNA and Healthy Kids Challenge, working together since 2004 to fight obesity, today announced the launch of their latest initiative – an online CIGNA Mix Six for Healthy Balance Toolkit offering real-life ways for individuals, families and employers to incorporate better health into their daily routines.
I first learned about CSPI in the mid 1970’s. I was working on my undergraduate degree in Dietetics and Nutrition when I heard about a conference on regulating food advertising aimed at children. A topic, I am deeply concerned about, then and now. Michael Jacobson, PhD, Executive Director and one of the original founders of CSPI was the keynote speaker. His enthusiasm and determination was contagious.
Founded in 1971, CSPI has worked vigorously to educate the public, advocate government policies consistent with scientific evidence on health and environmental issues, and question industry’s influence on public opinion and public policies.Over the years, CSPI has earned the respect of consumers, politicians, health professionals, media, government agencies, and scientific communities as an influential and independent science-based organization and consumer advocate.
Mission Statement.
“CSPI is a consumer advocacy organization whose twin missions are to conduct innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and to provide consumers with current, useful information about their health and well-being.”
Nutrition Action
Major Changes in the Food Environment
May 7, 2008
CSPI publishes the “Nutrition Action Healthletter”, known for its current and objective information on nutrition and health concerns. The content represents CSPI’s three main goals:
1. To provide useful, objective information to the public and policymakers and to conduct research on food, alcohol, health, the environment, and other issues related to science and technology
2. To represent the citizen's interests before regulatory, judicial and legislative bodies on food, alcohol, health, the environment, and other issues; and
3. To ensure that science and technology are used for the public good and to encourage scientists to engage in public-interest activities
Topics are easy to understand and are written by experts in the field, such as CSPI nutrition director Bonnie Liebman, MS. One of my favorite sections is the “Right Stuff vs. Food Porn”.
CSPI is an organization made up of dedicated individuals. The work they have accomplished in the last 40 years is remarkable. As an educator and journalist, my responsibility is to continue to inform the public of reliable resources.
To the new generation of concerned citizens, politicians, health and science professionals, media, and government agencies, CSPI is an organization to follow. You can also become involved by joining CSPI Action Network.
Kellogg's Agrees to Reduce Junk Food Marketing to Kids
May 9, 2008
Heart Attack Entrees and Side Orders of Stroke
June 3, 2009
Unsafe levels of sodium chloride, or salt, in chain restaurant meals increase one's chance of developing hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The nonprofit food safety and nutrition watchdog group today is exposing chain restaurant meals with dangerously high levels of sodium and is renewing its call on industry and government to lower sodium levels in foods. Here is some news coverage of CSPI's report.
CSPI is currently working on the following issues:
Get junk foods out of schools nationwide.
Rid the food supply of partially hydrogenated oil, the source of artificial trans fat that promotes heart disease.
Reduce sodium in processed and restaurant foods.
Improve food safety laws and reduce the incidence of foodborne illness.
Advocate for healthier, plant-based, environmentally friendly diets.
Ensure accurate and honest labeling on food packages.
Require basic nutrition labeling on chain-restaurants’ menus and menu boards.
Provide responsible information about the benefits and risks of agricultural biotechnology.
Obtain greater federal funding for alcohol-abuse prevention policies; and
Expose industry influence over the scientific process and in government policy-making.
Go Red For Womenencourages awareness of the issue of women and heart disease, and also action to save more lives. The movement utilizes the energy, commitment and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. It challenges them to know their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce their personal risk. It also gives them the tools they need to lead a heart healthy life.
Go Red and Beat It! Texas Health Fort Worth employees are joining together to beat heart disease. A creative and innovative video depicting the employees passion to raise awareness of heart disease, Texas Health Fort Worth wants to know what you are doing to beat this disease?
Red Heart Dance - MetroSouth Medical Center
MetroSouth Medical Center employees produced a video to raise awareness about heart health. They urge all who are risk to Know Their Numbers By Heart
Life's Simple Seven
Life's Simple Seven: 1. Get Active; 2. Control Cholesterol; 3. Eat Better; 4. Manage Blood Pressure; 5. Lose Weight; 6. Reduce Blood Sugar; and 7. Stop Smoking. Tell five family members and friends how they can get heart healthy. Visit the American Heart Association. A warm thanks to the Broward County Dietetic Association for their assistance in helping spread this Heart Healthy message.
Outrunning My Shadow GoRed Day in Las Vegas
GoRed day is the fight against Heart Disease in Women. Video shot at Macy's and The Freemont Street Experience in Las Vegas
Greystone Healthcare Management (Florida, Indiana and Ohio) . Prepared this video to create awareness of Heart Disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.
Anadarko: Go Red For Women Day
Jersey Shore University Medical Center Go Red for Heart Disease Awareness
To celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day, these top female athletes share why they love doing what they do. As seen on, a site by the Women's Sports Foundation.
On February 2, 2011, thousands of sports educators, coaches, athletic directors, recreation organizers, association members, sponsors, students, and parents across the country will gather to celebrate NGWSD and the 2011 theme "Play, Believe, Achieve."
National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Founded in 1987, National Girls and Women in Sports Day celebrates the participation, success and accomplishments of girls and women athletes.
Despite the advances made in the 38 years since Title IX was enacted, high school girls receive a million fewer sporting opportunities than males. American University is trying to improve these numbers by encouraging girls to participate in sports.
The Women’s Sports Foundation is a member of the National Girls and Women in Sports Day (NGWSD) coalition. Other members include: Girls’ Incorporated, Girls Scouts of America, National Association for Girls and Women in Sport, and the National Women’s Law Center.
NGWSD is marked annually with events around the country and on Capitol Hill to celebrate the achievements of girls and women in athletics. It is also an important day to promote the continued development of opportunities for girls and women to play sports and live physically active lives.
Opportunities for All Girls and Women
Jennifer Ruddell, a basketball player and paralympic gold medalist teaches the techniques of shooting, hopping and tilting, and wants every girl to give it a go!
My next stop on my Dietitian journey through the Internet brings me to the Hispanic Foodways and Lorena Drago, MS, RD, CDN, CDE
"Food is not just nourishment, it's part of culture. It helps people celebrate, mourn and mark life's important moments."
- Lorena Drago, MS, RD, CDN, CDE
Lorena Drago is a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, author and consultant. She is senior associate director of Ambulatory Care Nutrition Programs at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx and maintains her own private practice.
Lorena is the owner of Hispanic Foodways, which specializes in the multicultural aspects of diabetes self-management education, creating culturally and ethnically-oriented nutrition and diabetes education materials. She is the author of Beyond Rice and Beans: Caribbean Latino Guide to Eating Healthy with Diabetes and a contributing author and co-editor of Cultural Food Practices and Diabetes.
Lorena has appeared on several TV shows speaking about diabetes management, including The Early Show, CNBC's dLife TV and New York’s “ Diálogo con Glenis” a live Spanish community cable show, where she discusses nutrition and diabetes, topics especially relevant to the Latin community of the Bronx.
Lorena served on the American Association of Diabetes Educators board of directors and volunteered as a nominating committee chair of the Member Interest Group Latinos and Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition; chair of the American Diabetes Association Latino Committee and as past president of the Metropolitan New York Association of Diabetes Educators in 2004.
Drago graduated from Hunter College of the City University of New York with a Masters of Science degree in Food and Nutrition, and received her BA in Home Economics, Food and Nutrition from Queens College.
AADE 2009 - Lorena Drago Interviewed by Hope Warshaw
Summary: Beyond Rice and Beans: Caribbean Latino Guide to Eating Healthy with Diabetes. Written in Spanish and English, the book features new food pyramids and menu plans specifically designed for the Latin American palate from all over the Caribbean. It is a great resource for dietitians and people who want to manage their diabetes but don't want to sacrifice cultural identity. The book shows Latin Americans with diabetes how they can easily design meals that fit into a healthy lifestyle without giving up taste or familiar staples. Included are a Latin American food dictionary, advice on handling holiday meals and how to decipher Spanish food labels.
Thank you for joining me. Dietitians and Dietetic Associations Worldwide have provided me an opportunity to explore numerous specialties, cultural diversities, advances in research, legislative news, current events, ADA campaigns and creative new recipes.
In celebrating Healthy Weight Week, we looked at Weight Bias, Body Image, Self-Esteem, Lifelong Healthy Habits, Identifying Fad Diets and Beauty Comes in All Sizes and Shapes. It is crucial to continue research and education. Eating disorder or disordered eating affects up to 24 million Americans and 70 million individuals worldwide. (Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics and Resources, October 2003)
Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents. (Public Health Service's Office in Women's Health, Eating Disorder Information Sheet, 2000).
A young woman with anorexia is 12 times more likely to die than other women her age without anorexia. (Mortality in Anorexia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152(7), 1073-1074).
Five to ten percent of people with anorexia die within ten years of onset, 18 to 20 percent die within twenty years of onset, and only 50 percent report ever being cured. Without treatment, up to 20% of people with serious eating disorders die. With treatment, the mortality rate falls to 2 to 3%. (American Psychiatric Association (1993), "Practice Guidelines for Eating Disorders." American Journal of Psychiatry, 150 (2), pp 212-228).
20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems. (Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, "Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics and Resources," published September 2002, revised October 2003).
It is estimated currently 11% of high school students have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)
51% of 9 and 10 year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet. (Mellin LM, Irwin CE and Scully S: Disordered eating characteristics in girls: A survey of middle class children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1992; 92:851-53)
42% of 1st to 3rd grade girls want to be thinner. (Collins M.E., 1991. Body figure and preferences among pre-adolescent children. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 199-208.)
81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat. (Mellin LM, Irwin CE and Scully S: Disordered eating characteristics in girls: A survey of middle class children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1992; 92:851-53).
91% of women surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting, 22% dieted "often" or "always". (Kurth CL, Krahn DD, Nairn K and Drewnowski A: The severity of dieting and bingeing behaviors in college women: Interview validation of survey data. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 1995; 29(3):211-25). Resources and Support National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) provides education, resources and support for those individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves to prevent, cure and access quality care. NEDA sponsors events, programs and research on eating disorders, and contains a section on its site featuring recent news articles and information.
Academy for Eating Disorders (AED). The Academy for Eating Disorders aims to provide comprehensive information on the facts of eating disorders, treatment plans and education to prevent others from developing eating disorders.
Alliance of Eating Disorders Awarenesswas created as a source of community outreach, education, awareness and prevention of the various eating disorders. Their goal is to spread the message, recovery from these disorders is possible, and individuals should not have to suffer or recover alone.
American Dietetic Association. Provides nutrition resources about eating disorders, including an extensive nutrition reading list.
American Obesity Association (AOA). AOA is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. They are committed to encouraging research on the causes and treatment of obesity, and to keeping the medical community and public informed of new advances. AOA provides obesity awareness and prevention information.
Andrea's Voice Foundation(AVF) is dedicated to promoting education and understanding toward the prevention, identification, diagnosis and treatment of disordered eating and related issues. The site has a section for poetry, a blog, media, presentations and ways you can help.
Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) is the national organization focusing on increased prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for Binge Eating Disorder.
BodyImageHealth.orgintroduces a model for a healthy body image and provides a variety of resources to help children and adults develop a positive body image, effective eating habits, nutritional health, fitness and weight.
A Chance to Healoffers body image and media literacy programs for youth, body image and eating disorder prevention workshops for those who work with youth, eating disorder prevention workshops for healthcare providers and body image workshops for adults.
Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA). A 12 step self-help fellowship for anorexics and bulimics. EDA offers membership to any person who needs help recovering from an eating disorder. The site has meetings around the United States, publications, recovery information, EDA news and helpful links to other sites.
Eating Disorders Coalition. The goal of Eating Disorders Coalition is to "advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority." The nonprofit organization lists the federal policy on its website, congressional briefings, events, information/resources on eating disorders and a blog.
Eating Disorders Information Network (EDIN) is a nonprofit organization committed to the prevention of all types of disordered eating, from obesity to anorexia, and the promotion of positive body-esteem through education, outreach and action.
Eating Disorders Resource Center (EDRC) is a non-profit organization that links resources, information and support for eating disorders in Silicon Valley. The mission of EDRC is to increase awareness and understanding of eating disorders for the general public and health professionals; to promote early diagnosis, effective treatment, and recovery; and to advocate for mental health legislation and effective insurance coverage. EDRC offers a comprehensive, online resource directory.
F.E.A.S.T. Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders is an international organization providing support to families and friends of those suffering from eating disorders. The site announces events and conferences, groups around the world, treatment providers, online caregivers and current news.
Fed Up Girl is a non-profit foundation educating young girls on body image, self-esteem and balanced living to prevent eating disorders. Founded in Los Angeles by two women who recovered from years of battling eating disorders, the program is available free of charge to groups of girls age 6 to 17. The program is tailored for each age group and provides access to some of the most current research in creating positive body image and self-esteem.
Healthy Weight Networkprovides information and resources pertaining to “health at any size”.
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP) is well recognized for its excellence in providing education and training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of various healthcare treatment providers and helping professions, who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems.
Kristen Watt Foundationprovides support for those suffering with eating disorders. The site has sections for parents, friends and coaches. They are dedicated to increasing awareness of eating disorders, education and treatment.
Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA) is a nonprofit organization working to prevent and treat eating disorders. Their aim is to do this through early detection and increased public awareness. This site has events listed, resources and a place for individuals to join the organization.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) seeks to alleviate the problems of eating disorders by educating the public and healthcare professionals, encouraging research, and sharing resources on all aspects of these disorders. Their website includes information on finding support groups, referrals, treatment centers, advocacy and background on eating disorders.
National Institute of Mental Health: Eating Disorders provides information on anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, the affect eating disorders can have on men, treatment options and helpful resources and links.
Perfect Illusions. Discover what an eating disorder is, find help and resources, and look into the lives of several individuals and their families who are struggling with the consequences of anorexia and bulimia.
The Renfrew Center. Residential treatment facility specializing in eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders) and related mental health issues. The Renfrew Center is a women's mental health center with locations in Philadelphia and Radnor, Pennsylvania; Coconut Creek, Florida; New York City; Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Ridgewood, New Jersey; Charlotte, North Carolina, Nashville, TN, Dallas, TX, and Bethesda, MD.
Something Fishy. The website gives detailed information on most aspects of eating disorders, such as defining them, preventing them, finding treatments and paying for recovery. The National Women's Health Information Center is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The site has information on body image, cosmetic surgery, eating disorders, and a list of links to various informational websites.
Slow Cooker Bolognese
This slow cooker bolognese is a hearty, flavorful recipe that’s perfect for
busy weekdays or cozy weekend dinners. We love it served over pasta,
lasagna, o...
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
This summer, we spent 24 hours in Kuala Lumpur after visiting Thailand, we
came here for fun and then took a flight to Scotland. This is a city we