Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Social RD on Facebook

For any RD, food and/or nutrition professional wanting to learn the ins and outs of Social Media, including start-up, design, target audience, topics, tags, profits, maintenance, marketing, etc. this is the Facebook page you want to join.

The moderators are the very knowledgeable and talented Nadine Fisher, MS, RD, LD and Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD, LD, ACSM.

Nadine is an Internet entrepreneur and web developer. She is innovative and an Internet Problem Solver.

Rebecca has an advance degree in communications and digital technology. She is a member of NTEN (non-profit technology network) and a designer of websites and blogs.

The two of them together create a dynamic team. You do not want to miss being a part of their energy and expertise.

The Registered Dietitian
Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT

Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT
Twitter. megfit

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Registered Dietitian
Julie Tharalson, RD

Julie Tharalson, RD
Twitter. FoodieRD

The Health Benefits of Laughing

Having a good laugh usually makes us feel positive about ourselves.
This can be a factor in motivating a person to lose weight.

Health Benefits of Laughing

A research published in the International Journal of Obesity discovered laughter can be beneficial in weight control.

Laughing helps burn calories by increasing the heart rate by 10 to 20 percent: The metabolism increases as well, meaning you will burn more calories at rest once you have stopped laughing.

Scientists calculated 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on a person’s weight and the intensity of the laughter.

Laughter can relieve physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which promotes an overall sense of well-being.

Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which may benefit the cardiovascular system.

Laughter may benefit people with diabetes. One study showed after watching a comedy, the group had lower blood sugar levels than they did after listening to a boring lecture.

Don’t laugh just to lose weight. Laugh because it feels great,
because it is healthy for you and
because we take ourselves too seriously.
It’s time to lighten up.

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