Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Spinach Sensations

Nutrition Information

Spinach is fat-free, saturated fat-free, cholesterol-free, low calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in vitamin A, high in vitamin C, high in iron, high in folate, and a good source of magnesium.

Selecting and Storing Spinach 
1. Choose fresh, crisp, green bunches with no evidence of insect damage.
2. Store spinach loosely wrapped in a damp paper towel.
3. Refrigerate in a plastic bag and use within 3 to 5 days.

Oxalic acid and Spinach

The oxalic acid in spinach binds with iron, which inhibits iron absorption. You can improve iron absorption from spinach by eating it with foods that enhance iron absorption, such as foods rich in vitamin C.

Serving Suggestions
1. Add spinach to a pasta or rice recipe.
2. Enjoy a spinach salad with a variety of ingredients.


1. Spinach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Top 10 ways to enjoy Spinach, Fruits and Veggies more matters 
3. Spinach: Nutrition. Selection. Storage
Fruits and Veggies more matters