Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February Wellness News
Topics for Journalists, Writers,
Educators and Bloggers

Current News, Resources and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment, Safety, and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators, Consumers, and Health Professionals. Wellness News is updated daily. To view the entire Newsletter online click here.

February Highlights
American Heart Month

International Expect Success Month
Library Lovers Month
National Care About Your Indoor Air Month
National Children's Dental Health Month
National Parent Leadership Month
National Time Management Month
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month
Responsible Pet Owner's Month
Youth Leadership Month

February Monthly Food Events

Bake for Family Fun Month
Canned Food Month
Chocolate Month
February is Fabulous Florida Strawberry
National Grapefruit Month
Great American Pies Month
National Cherry Month
National Hot Breakfast Month
National Potato Month
National Snack Food Month
National Wise Health Care Consumer
North Carolina Sweet Potato Month
Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket
National Pet Dental Health Month