Friday, July 21, 2023

July is Sandwich Generation Month
“Three Generations Bound By Caring”

The Sandwich Generation represents a group of individuals who find themselves in the unique position of caring for their elderly parents while also supporting their own children. This generation embodies dedication, patience, and compassion, making it a cause for celebration and recognition. The primary aim is to raise awareness about the unwavering efforts of these individuals and ensure they receive the support they need.

Sandwich Generation Month is observed annually in July in honor of this extraordinary group. During this time, the community comes together to better understand the specific challenges faced by this generation and highlight the various support systems available to them as they navigate the complexities of maintaining multi-generational households.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, slightly over one in eight Americans aged 40 to 60 finds themselves in this dual role of raising their own children while caring for aging parents. This statistic underscores the growing significance of the Sandwich Generation and the importance of acknowledging their remarkable contributions.

Sandwich Generation

1. Learn more about the Sandwich Generation
2. Sandwich generation moms feeling the squeeze, American Psychological Association.