Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dietitians are Talking About Dairy

Ellie Krieger on The Set of Her Milk Mustache Ad
Ellie Krieger, registered dietitian and host of Food Networks Healthy
Appetite discusses the health benefits of Vitamin D during her
Milk Moustache ad shoot.

On January 11, 2011 Elisa Zied, registered dietitian
appearred on Good Morning America in the
"Pour One More" campaign. Elisa is part of the Milk Street Team
whose goal is to give one million free milk samples across the USA.

How to "Milk" Your Diet
Elisa Zied gives tips from her book, Nutrition at Your Fingertips.

 Jill Jayne, MS, RD (Rockstar Nutritionist)
Performs with the New York Jets
in Support of Fuel Up to Play 60

Heart Smart® Grocery Store Tour - Milk
Darlene Zimmerman is the Heart Smart® Dietitian.
Join Darlene as she takes us to the milk and dairy aisle.

Got Milk? Spartan's got choices
Heather Leets, the dietitian for Family Fare and D&W
 walks Rachael (from eightWest) through
many milk choices aimed at meeting ones calcium needs,
but without worrying about lactose intolerance, allergies, or taste.

No Chocolate Milk?
Flavored milk could be a thing of the past as a
movement sweeps the nation's schools
Lori Mooney, RD, LD of the the Nationwide
Children's Hospital’s Center for Healthy
Weight and Nutrition says "Don't make milk the bad guy."


by Ellen Slotkin, RD, LDN , Contributing Writer

Angela Lemond, RD, CSP, LD Mommy Dietitian

Karen Giles-Smith, MS, RD   Blog: The Dairy  Dish

Got milk? We're not talking about milk from cows. Are these dairy alternatives any healthier than traditional cow's milk? 
Rebecca Scritchfield, registered dietitian interviewed.