Saturday, May 14, 2011

International Day of Families
May 15, 2011

The United Nations International Day of Families is celebrated each May at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love.

2011 Theme: "Confronting Family Poverty and Social Exclusion"

"On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to support families as they nurture the young, care for the old and foster strong communities built on tolerance and dignity for all."
- Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General's Message for 2011

The Family Meal
The Family Meal is a Tradition Celebrated All Over the World. Sharing family meals symbolizes love and communication. Eating dinner together keeps the doors of communication open. It's a perfect time to show your children they are your priority. Studies have shown children who eat dinner with their families are less likely to use alcohol, tobacco and/or illegal drugs and more likely to develop good eating habits.


Foods For Health:
Building Healthy Kids and Families

"Guyatitian" David Grotto offers healthy eating and physical
activity tips for building healthy kids and families.
Part of the International Food Information Council Foundation's
Foods For Health series

It's A Small World
A childhood favorite reminding me how special all Families are.
by Disney