Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear Congress. Please Pass the Nutrition Bill
Don't Let Our Children Go Hungry

Dear Congress.

As a registered dietitian and an educator, I know hunger and inadequate nutrition impacts the ability to learn. Hungry children lack concentration, are often irritable and more likely to become ill. In contrast, students who come to class well-nourished have fewer behavioral and attendance problems, and have higher test scores.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act offers a real chance to improve nutrition for all children. By improving opportunities for healthy meals in and out of school, the bill would take an important step forward in addressing both child hunger and obesity.

The bill would help reduce hunger and increase children's access to healthy meals, including by better connecting eligible children with free school meals. It would also authorize grants to retain summer food program sponsors, improve and expand breakfast programs, and encourage states to develop comprehensive strategies to end child hunger.

Thank you for your consideration of my views on these important issues.

Sandra Frank, Ed.D., RD, LDN