Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Wellness News

June Wellness News

In addition to the events listed in the video, there are more
presented on Wellness News.
June 2010 Current News and Resources in Nutrition, Food, Health,
Recalls/Safety, Disability Rights and Environmental Issue.
Encourages awareness & inspires ideas for Journalists, Educators,
Consumers and Health Professionals.

June Celebrations, Causes and/or Fun Events
Atlantic Hurricane Season begins;
International Men's Month;
Adopt A Shelter Cat Month;
Cancer from the Sun Month;
Child Vision Awareness Month;
Children's Awareness Month;
Effective Communications Month;
Great Outdoors Month;
International Childhood Cancer Campaign Month;
National Aphasia Awareness Month;
June is Perennial Gardening Month;
National Drive Safe Month;
National Fireworks Safety Month (June 1 - July 4th);
National Home Safety Month;
National Rivers Month;
National Rose Month;
National Safety Month;
Student Safety Month;
Dairy Month;
Dairy Alternative Month;
June is Turkey Lovers Month;
National Candy Month;
National Ice Tea Month;
National Papaya Month;
National Smile Month;
National Soul Food Month;
National Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Month;
National Steakhouse Month;
National Zoo and Aquarium Month;
Potty Training Awareness Month;
Professional Wellness Month;
Rebuild Your Life Month;
Sports America Kids Month;
Vision Research Month;
Women's Golf Month