Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Food Label Detective:
Case. Mini Potato Pancakes, frozen; Manischewitz

The first statement I noticed was the 10 pancakes; then 2 pancakes per container. I was always an excellent math student and this did not add up. It should be 10 servings; unless there is a new math I'm not aware of.


1. Manischewitz. You should consider rewriting your label to reflect what is actually in the box.
2. For individuals with special dietary needs, I would hold off using this product until they can verify the nutrition information.

Below is the cooked version of the Mini Potato Pancakes.
The two pancakes weighed 63 grams (prior to cooking.) 
The label above states they should weigh 28 grams.* 
Each pancake measured about 2-inches x 2.25-inches.

*21 CFR 101.9(b)(10)(iii) 
The serving size and servings per container is based on the amount of the product as packaged or purchased needed to make the RACC (Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed) of the prepared product (required). A second column of nutrition information based on the "as prepared" basis may also be presented (optional).

Clearly this label does not provide nutrition information "as prepared." Guesstimated calories of two prepared pancakes using canola oil is about 100 to 125 calories.