Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Eat Right Art Favorites

2013 Favorites from the Eat Right Art Collection

All photographs are available for purchase. Visit the Eat Right Art Collection or contact Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN, LN for custom designs.
The money we raise goes to employ adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy). Please make a donation or purchase a design.

Prepared by 
Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RD, LDN
Jake Frank
Michelle Canazaro
John Gargiullo

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Book Review: "Younger Next Week" by Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN

Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN is a remarkable person who motivates people to reach their goals though her books and media presence. Her new book, "Younger Next Week" captures the attention of the 40+ generation. Zied shares her secrets to turning back the clock by emphasizing, "vitality" in the foods we choose, lifestyle behaviors, and fitness.

In “Younger Next Week”, Zied offers surgery-free solutions that defy aging and promote healthy weight loss and emotional well-being with an easy to follow 7-Day Vitality Plan. The book features a Vitality Blueprint consisting of Zied’s signature “Stressipes” for optimal sleep and relation. The blueprint can be easily personalized for nutritional needs, interests, and schedule. 

“Younger Next Week is an empowering anti-aging, food based, vitality promoting book that shows women how to jump-start a lifetime of healthy habits.

Younger Next Week Free Giveaway (ends December 31)

To follow and learn more about Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN visit her at 
Website: Elisa Zied

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Kwanzaa

"Kwanzaa was created to introduce and reinforce seven basic values of African culture which contribute to building and reinforcing family, community and culture among African American people as well as Africans throughout the world African community. These values are called the Nguzo Saba which in Swahili means the Seven Principles. The Nguzo Saba stand at the heart of the origin and meaning of Kwanzaa, for it is these values which are not only the building blocks for community but also serve to reinforce and enhance them."   - Dr. Maulana Karenga (Founder and Creator)

Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration observed from December 26 to January 1 each year.

Edible Art: Seven Basic Principles of Kwanzaa.
The colors of the Kwanzaa flag are black, red and green; black for the people, red for their struggle, and green for the future and hope that comes from their struggle. It is based on the colors given by the Hon. Marcus Garvey as national colors for African people throughout the world.

The Kwanzaa art includes the following foods: apples, raspberries, strawberries, black beans, prunes, black berries, black rice, green bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, grapes, and string  beans.

Kwanzaa has seven basic symbols. Each represents values and concepts reflective of African culture and contributive to community building and reinforcement. The following are the basic symbols:

Mazao (The Crops) These are symbolic of African harvest celebrations and of the rewards of productive and collective labor. 

Mkeka (The Mat) This is symbolic of our tradition and history and therefore, the foundation on which we build. 

Kinara (The Candle Holder) This is symbolic of our roots, our parent people -- continental Africans.

Muhindi (The Corn) This is symbolic of our children and our future which they embody.

Mishumaa Saba (The Seven Candles) These are symbolic of the Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles, the matrix and minimum set of values which African people are urged to live by in order to rescue and reconstruct their lives in their own image and according to their own needs.

Kikombe cha Umoja (The Unity Cup) This is symbolic of the foundational principle and practice of unity which makes all else possible.

Zawadi (The Gifts) These are symbolic of the labor and love of parents and the commitments made and kept by the children. 

The following videos share the history and traditions of Kwanzaa. The first video was created by Sesame Street and the story of Kwanzaa is told through a young  boy; the second video is a Happy Kwanzaa song by Teddy Pendergrass; and the third video is a trailer from "The Black Candle", narrated by Maya Angelou.

Sesame Street: Kwanzaa

Happy Kwanzaa 
Teddy Pendergrass

Kwanzaa, a Celebration.
"The Black Candle" trailer, 
narrated by Maya Angelou.

Wishing the lights of Kwanzaa
brings happiness, warmth and prosperity.

The Official Kwanzaa Web Site
The Official Kwanzaa Web Site, to make a donation  

 Wikipedia: Kwanzaa 

When you learn something from people, or from a culture,
you accept it as a gift, and it is your lifelong commitment
to preserve it and build on it. 
- Yo-Yo Ma

2014 Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Events Ebook
An Indispensable Tool for the Food and Health Writer

The “2014 Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Events” ebook is an indispensable tool for the food and/or health writer, blogger, dietitian, and editor. Each month highlights food, nutrition, and wellness events for the month, week, and day. Food photographs or graphic designs are provided to illustrate special events. In December, books by dietitians are featured.

The holidays and events listed come from numerous resources, such as: United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, Presidential Declaration, Federal, State or City Governments, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Associations, American Medical Association, Medical Affiliations, Private Organizations and Companies, Retail Promotions. The events have been verified. However, you should confirm the dates before making plans. Some events may vary from one state to another.

The “Wellness News” calendar employs adults with "Special Needs" (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, and Muscular Dystrophy). Part of the monies raised go to employ special need adults.

2014 Food, Nutrition and Wellness Events

Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN
Digital Downloads

The Edible Alphabet

Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN
Digital Download


Eat Right Art &
Photographs at Etsy
Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN
Digital Downloads

History of the Wellness Calendar

The wellness calendar has a history spanning over 20 years. When my son Jake was about two years old (back in 1990), he discovered the joys of celebrations and holidays. As most children, he associated these events with family, food, fun, music and gifts.

We had just recently learned Jake has cerebral palsy. Much of his young life had numerous challenges; it was a delight to see him so excited about these events.

Every day he would ask me, “What are we celebrating today?” Initially, I would make up events, such as a new tooth, the sun is out, etc... Eventually I would research reference books and later the Internet to see if there were special functions occurring on a specific day.

To my surprise, I found numerous events each day of the year, but there were too many and it was a bit overwhelming. I started to note those days that dealt only with Health, Nutrition, Food, Safety, Disability Rights and Environmental Issues.

I realized many of these events went unnoticed or unreported by Journalists, Educators and Health Professionals. In 2002, I started to send out about 50 calendars to local and national media representatives in the hope the topics would encourage awareness and inspire ideas for stories and/or projects. Each year the number of calendars we sent out would increase, as did the thank you notes from local, national and worldwide correspondents.

Then in 2006, Jake and his friends graduated high school. They were unable to find employment due to their disabilities. I asked them if they would be interested in working with me on the Wellness Calendar. They said, “Yes”.

The project became a wonderful way to raise money to help them with their ADL, self-esteem, independence.

The calendar was created to make sure every Journalist and Educator knew when certain events occurred, such as National Nutrition Month, World Diabetes Day, Earth Day, RD Day and many others. The goal was to provide a useful tool to impress their editors with some interesting time-sensitive stories.

Later on, the calendar served to provide employment to individuals who were unable to find jobs due to their special abilities.

Remember to Make Every Day Special, Make Every Day Count.

with warm regards,
Dr. Sandra Frank and Jake Frank