Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tricky Treats, Halloween Story from the CDC

Tricky Treats is part of the Centers for Disease Control,
animated Eagle Book Series.

The Eagle Books consists of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters, Mr. Eagle and Miss Rabbit, and a clever trickster, Coyote, who engage Rain that Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about traditional ways of being healthy. Animated versions of the four books bring the characters to life. Narrated by author Georgia Perez and voiced by children and adults from the Standing Rock Sioux tribal nation, the animated versions provide an interactive tool to engage children in activities and discussions about healthy eating, and the joy of being active while looking to traditional ways to stay healthy and prevent type 2 diabetes.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October is National Pretzel Month

How Pretzels are Made

Pretzels with Dips

A Look at Pretzel Commercials Over the Last 39 Years
In 1971, the use of the word "Salt", did not have the negative effects it has today -
as seen in the Mister Salty Pretzel's commercial below.

Today, the popular advertisement words are Sustainability or Renewable.