Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Create a Kid-friendly Kitchen

June is Home Safety Month and the
 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has prepared tips to
Cooking and spending time in the kitchen is fun for kids, and also provides parents with an opportunity to teach children about healthy nutrition. Here are tips to create a kid-friendly kitchen:

Cooking with Kids - Kitchen Safety - The Smart Shopper

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kids Eat Right, Monday Message for June 4, 2012

Article of the Week
Help your child become a better eater by inviting one of
their friends to dinner.

Hot Tip
Looking for nutrition powerhouse that's easy to prepare?
Look to potatoes!

Recipe of the Week
It's asparagus season. Try this delectable veggie grilled,
steamed or broiled!

Featured Video
These 15 minute pickles are a great alternative to chips.
Plus they're fast and easy to prepare.  

15 Minute Pickles